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A royal baby

PostPosted: 03 Dec 2012, 17:18
by Lozzles
The Duchess of Cambridge is pregnant awwwww :D

Re: A royal baby

PostPosted: 03 Dec 2012, 17:19
by Kaz
Awwwwwwwwwwwww :D That's lovely news! :D

Re: A royal baby

PostPosted: 03 Dec 2012, 17:21
by JoM
Lovely news!!! :D

Re: A royal baby

PostPosted: 03 Dec 2012, 17:28
by Kaz
And of course this baby will be an heir to the throne, boy or girl, as they have changed the succession rules 8-) :D

Re: A royal baby

PostPosted: 03 Dec 2012, 17:29
by Nanna
Hope she has an easy pregnancy. It's not started off too well.

Re: A royal baby

PostPosted: 03 Dec 2012, 17:30
by Kaz
Oh bless her, she's in hospital with hyperemesis - severe morning sickness! I had that with my youngest and it's miserable! That's why they've announced it early as apparently she's not yet got to 12 weeks

I hope she feels better soon :) xxxx

Re: A royal baby

PostPosted: 03 Dec 2012, 17:33
by Lozzles
Poor girl. I was lucky, I didn't have morning sickness with either of mine.

Re: A royal baby

PostPosted: 03 Dec 2012, 17:41
by Kaz
Mine got worse with each of my babies, until with H I couldn't even keep water down between week 7 and week 10! I had to be rehydrated on a drip. It was the weirdest thing - it came on overnight suddenly and then turned off like a tap at about week 10 :? I was 'lucky' though as it can carry on for months................

Poor Kate xxxx

Re: A royal baby

PostPosted: 03 Dec 2012, 17:47
by Osc
Isn't that lovely news, ahhhhh. Thankfully I had no morning sickness, used to feel a bit yuck in the evening which was grand because I could just go to bed. A friend of Miss Osc's had appalling morning sickness for her entire pregnancy, she had previously suffered with ME so I wonder did that contribute to it. She wasn't quite so ill with her second though. I don't think Miss Osc was sick at all.

Re: A royal baby

PostPosted: 03 Dec 2012, 17:57
by Workingman
So that's the BBC and DM front pages sorted for the next seven months or so.

I feel for her on a personal level, she has always been seen as undernourished and that could be causal with her complaint. I do hope that she and the baby do well, I really do, but I am not looking forward to the media pregnancyfest. Sorry.