Morning Ally, morning everyone
Sunny but blowing an absolute hooley, so feeling rather cold
Safe journey Ally, hope all goes as planned xx
Panic stations here earlier. Couldn't find my phone. Not nowhere, not down the sides of the sofa, not on the bedside cabinet, not in the fridge (always look, just in case
) not in my bag, not fallen out where I keep my bag, not in the car.
So gave that up and went to do the watering. Got soaked, using the hosepipe and the wind changed direction
But my trousers and feet were soon dry (if a little cold) in the wind.
Put the kettle on, started searching again, Grumpy went to the car, I looked outside, as we'd sat out there before the bbq yesterday. Nope. Went to get the mugs for coffee, and there it was, tucked up against the back splash - the black worktop and black back splash hid the black phone
No idea what we're going to do today, I had planned on cutting back the ice plant and other things which are getting a little out of hand, but I'm not going out in that wind. Not unless I'm wearing socks, jumper, fleece
Have a good day everyone, whatever you're doing xx