Morning Ally, Kz and everyone
Sunny, but blowy, so feeling a little cool at the moment. Think we'll struggle up to 28C later.
Enjoy your parties ladies
Bit of gardening this morning. We lost a rose and a daisy during the summer, so they need to get pulled up and another couple of daisies severely pruned
I'll also water all the pots outside, the garden is mostly still moist enough after the rain earlier in the week.
Then the oven will be scrubbed
Off to Ourique this afternoon, as Aldi have a cover we want. The length will be enough to cover the sun loungers in the winter, save us having to move them down to the pump room. Will take back Jan's floor steamer and we'll have a couple of beers in the bar on the way back, before the curry and footie.
Have a good day everyone, whatever you're doing xx