Afternoon everyone
Ally, Don sounds very much like Mick, horizontal for sure
Glad they’re enjoying themselves
Jan, loads of luck xxx
Afternoon Cruiser
Hope you get to work from home for a bit now Ria xxx
Osc, it started out nice here, but we just had a massive downpour and there’s a weather warning for torrential rain and 65mph winds for this evening
Hope W gets his specs mended quickly Jen xxx
We’re at D’s now, but had lunch at Portivo. I met my friend J for a quick cuppa early on, then walked to the Quays to meet Mick. I need new boots, my knee-length black ones have split between the sole and upper, so I had a look in the Clark’s outlet - still over a hundred quid for a decent pair, even at outlet price
So maybe not
Supposed to be going to Zumba tonight but a) the weather warning and b) my sinuses are playing up- so might give it a miss
Love to all xxx