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Good morning Wednesday

PostPosted: 05 Dec 2012, 08:52
by Ally
Good morning

And what a blue skyed sunny one it is. :D :D

Got all 5 loads of washing done and dried yesterday..ironing it all this afternoon. :lol: :lol:

Going for a good long run this morning..need to work off my UK excess good time. :lol: :lol:

Enjoy the day. x

Good morning on Wednesday

PostPosted: 05 Dec 2012, 08:54
by Rodo

Both I and my computer have been quite poorly for a few days. I am getting over it, but I'm not so sure about the pooter! I have got my parcels packed and ready for the off, and the cards are all written so that is a relief. We did start the tree yesterday but both felt so tired after a battle with the lights and that is being left until probably this afternoon.

I hope all your arrangements and preparations are going well.

Please can we have some nice Christmas smilies now - pretty please?

Re: Good morning on Wednesday

PostPosted: 05 Dec 2012, 08:55
by Ally
Morning Rodo

We posted at the same time. :D

Perhaps a mod will scoop my thread up and add it to yours?

Re: Good morning on Wednesday

PostPosted: 05 Dec 2012, 09:01
by Rodo
Hopefully yes! :lol:

Re: Good morning on Wednesday

PostPosted: 05 Dec 2012, 09:19
by KateLMead
Rodo I hope you are feeling better.. Loving vibes coming your way for you and your machino!!!
Dont overdo things..xx

Re: Good morning on Wednesday

PostPosted: 05 Dec 2012, 09:42
by Kaz
Ooh that's the first time I've merged a topic - we didn't have that facility on the old site, we could only move or split out topics :lol:

Morning all - It's been an early start here as Mick has a meeting in Farnborough, same tmorrow as he's in Swindon. Still at least he isn't having to fly down in the early hours like his boss who is based in Glasgow :lol:

Already been on the phone to Argos customer services this morning as my delivery didn't turn up yesterday! "Oh I do apologise the items didn't reach the courier in time so it will be tomorrow now......." Fantastic eh? That means I'll be stuck in all day waiting tomorrow as Mick won't be here to sign for stuff............I was supposed to be going to my MIL's for lunch, as she'll be stuck in waiting for BT to install her broadband! :roll: :? Where is the headbanging smiley when you need it? :lol: :lol:

Rodo smileys are a bit different on this version so I can't promise - you might have to C&P in your own, sorry :? ;)

Have a better day than I am so far everyone :oops: :lol:

Re: Good morning on Wednesday

PostPosted: 05 Dec 2012, 09:45
by tonicha
Morning everyone

I just wrote one out and must have pressed preview instead of submit :oops: :?

So to repeat myself :lol: the abridged version...

grey sky this morning - going shopping later - bought and posted my very few cards - have a good day everyone - hugs to poorly ones xxx

Re: Good morning on Wednesday

PostPosted: 05 Dec 2012, 10:06
by jenniren
Morning all :D

No snow here...........yet!! Hoping it stays away today at least as we're taking my Aunt (and Uncle) out for lunch as it's her birthday. Their son is also due to arrive by train later this afternoon, he's with them til the weekend, so fingers crossed the weather doesn't hamper his journey.

I was due a delivery yesterday too kaz. Have just phoned the office to find out why it didn't arrive and was told the driver ran out of time so took it back to the depot :roll: I've been assured it will be with me by 12, but tbh I'm not holding my breath.

Hope you all have a good day :D

jen x

Re: Good morning on Wednesday

PostPosted: 05 Dec 2012, 10:10
by Diflower
Morning all :)
Back to dark and wet here, supposed to be bright again tomorrow.
The washing is something I envy you about Ally, which is a bit sad, but here it's only possible to do about half a load, as then it needs to dry. Ours is a washer/drier so can't do a lot at once, then it has to finish off on the airers...makes it too much of a 'job' :D

Kaz apparently there's been snow in Farnborough, shouldn't think it's much though. It's where I used to work, and the other half of the team was in Glasgow so we fairly often flew up and down :)
Rodo would you have got all that done with a healthy computer?! Do hope it's all better now though, it's like losing a limb isn't it.
Hope the day improves Kaz.

Cushion number one is going well so far, it has letters and snowballs on it but have only done the sewing around of one letter, should get the rest done this evening if not before. I like doing those bits as you can do them in front of the TV :)
Hugs for everyone - the poorlies, the frustrated waiterer-ins, and everyone else too

Re: Good morning on Wednesday

PostPosted: 05 Dec 2012, 10:12
by Diflower
tonicha wrote:Morning everyone

I just wrote one out and must have pressed preview instead of submit :oops: :?

So to repeat myself :lol: the abridged version...

grey sky this morning - going shopping later - bought and posted my very few cards - have a good day everyone - hugs to poorly ones xxx

Ton if someone else is typing as you are, then it takes you to 'preview' . Their reply will be shown, then underneath it is yours, still there, so you can then press 'submit' :)