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PostPosted: 05 Dec 2012, 09:39
by lissie
I looked out of the window when i got up and it was grey and miserable :cry:

I have just pulled the curtains back and in 20 mins or so we have over 1" snow and falling fast :o

Have Doctor`s appointment at 10am but i don`t think i will be driving in this unless it stops soon :shock:

lissie :D

Re: Snow!!!!!!

PostPosted: 05 Dec 2012, 09:41
by Ally
:o :o :o :o :o Yikes!!

I'm glad we flew home yesterday. :shock: :D :D

Re: Snow!!!!!!

PostPosted: 05 Dec 2012, 09:42
by Rodo
Please don't send it up here Lissie!

Re: Snow!!!!!!

PostPosted: 05 Dec 2012, 09:52
by Kaz
Both Luton and Stanstead airports are having 'snow issues' according to BBC Breakfast, but no mention of Birmingham Ally :shock: I wonder if Mick's boss got away from Glasgow airport ok this morning or Mick might be on his way to a meeting with Mr Nobody :shock: :? :lol:

Hope you get to your appt ok Lissie xx

Re: Snow!!!!!!

PostPosted: 05 Dec 2012, 10:48
by lissie
Has anyone else got snow or am i the "lucky" :cry: one?

lissie :D

Re: Snow!!!!!!

PostPosted: 05 Dec 2012, 10:56
by Weka
snow, you lucky thing!

no snow here. :)

Re: Snow!!!!!!

PostPosted: 05 Dec 2012, 11:00
by pederito1
Snowing heavily here too. :( Luck Weka? I think it is a tragedy and I am in a steep decline. :( :(

Re: Snow!!!!!!

PostPosted: 05 Dec 2012, 11:00
by Oojamaflip
We only get it in winter (and sometimes, spring). I want snow! I love it, and the way the whole country goes into a panic at the first sign of big beautiful white flake slowly falling to the ground. But pretty please no snow over any airports on the 15th December - I don't want my girl diverted to Zurich as she was last time she visited home for Christmas because of this country's inability to deal with the seasons. :roll:

Re: Snow!!!!!!

PostPosted: 05 Dec 2012, 11:01
by fudgie21
snow is forecast for the east coast today but up to now we have none at all.

Re: Snow!!!!!! (updated)

PostPosted: 05 Dec 2012, 11:26
by lissie

Uploaded with

Incase anyone forgets what it looks like :D :D

lissie :D