Morning all
I expect a lazy day is just what's needed after your trip, Ally
I hope it doesn't rain too much, Jan
Good idea to be prepared, Cruiser
Looking like another bright but chilly day here again. I thought I was fine yesterday after my jabs, but just after I got home from town I had a bad ocular migraine - flashing lights and blobs before my eyes so I couldn't see for about half an hour, then a horrid spaced out ill feeling for the rest of the day. Feeling a bit fragile this morning, but well enough to just carry on as normal. It might not have had anything to do with the jabs, but I haven't had one for years, so......
Anyway, we're out for brunch, then popping to D's but have to be home by 2pm as our sofas are being taken away, ready for the new one coming tomorrow
No news on the shutters, we really don't want to contact them just yet about the fitting, after the fitter having his stroke - it's a small local family firm and they will have other things to worry about just now. If we haven't heard in a week or so we will ask what's happening.......
Have a good day everyone xxx