After leaving the OC I walked up the hill. There was only one taxi and the driver sid he was already booked. So I continued past the catherdral and down to New Street station.
When I got inside the ststaion there wasa big demonstarion in front of the main indicator board with lots of police. Managed to find a member of staff who told me my train went
from platform six. When I got down to it was told it went from platform four. So a dash across using the lifts. It was at the pplatform and I got on at the nearesr door. The train was full.
with passengers standing in the ailse and near the doors. I had to push pass them to get to the FC which was the rear coach. Glad I paid the extra as I had a seat. Also got a snack,
a drink of orange juice and had a whisky and lemonade. The train was going to Glasgow and passengers from an earlier train whichhad been cancelled were on it. After it left
Stafford it was announced that the train would terminate at Preston due to asiganalling problem in Scotland. The announcement sad there was another later train going to Glasgow
which they could use to get totheir destination.
I arrived in Wigan at 7.00 p.m and got a taxio home.
Had a lovely time with no alcohol.
Ally was the only person who looked at my ticket. Didn't have to show it toget through the barrier at the station. JUst said I was disabled and the gate was opened.