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Coverting to Christianity

PostPosted: 05 Feb 2024, 08:31
by cruiser2
Anyboy who really wants to convert should go to church at least once a week for at least two years.

Also do t least one day each week as a volunteer a Christian Charity. There are many which want unpaid helpers.

Should have to buy a bible and read at least one section each week and answer questions on it.

The present method of saying you have converted is just to hoowink the asylum system

Re: Coverting to Christianity

PostPosted: 05 Feb 2024, 20:55
by TheOstrich
Originally, (1970's era), if you expressed an interest in Christianity, you were usually placed with a church with a suitable support / mentoring group and then undertook an 8 week or so Alpha course, evening a week on basic tenets, with a view to entering into a CofE Confirmation class, culminating in vows before a pointy-hat Bishop.

Nowadays, these asylum seekers will be using the on-line Alpha course, Cruiser ....... given the circumstances, if there is any input from a local church, which there should be with Alpha, I wouldn't know. If you're thinking in particular of the Bibby Stckholm barge at Portland, I guess it's always possible the chaplain at the nearby HMP Verne might be involved.