Good morning Tuesday

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Good morning Tuesday

Postby Ally » 16 Apr 2024, 06:42

Good morning.

Another gorgeous day. 31° forecast. 8-)

Going for a walk to Guadalmar with Don. :D

We'll get some food shopping on the way home.

TV tonight.

Have a great day.

Happy birthday to Eliza Crommers. xx
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Re: Good morning Tuesday

Postby JanB » 16 Apr 2024, 07:48

Morning Ally, morning everyone

Rather grey this morning :shock: with mist in the valleys, but the forecast is for another lovely sunny, warm day 8-)

Still playing hunt the ring and this morning, it was also hunt the phone :oops: :roll: I'd left it charging overnight and couldn't see a black phone on a black worktop :oops: :lol: Had to ring it, to find out where it was :lol:

Watering to be done this morning :o Been a while since we had some rain and the new trees along with the newer, smaller plants will need some wet stuff. The ground was very dry, when I was weeding yesterday.

Off out to lunch today :Hi: Taking David and Rita and Chris and Lucy are meeting us there. Chris and Lucy are leaving us on Sunday, for their summer in France and England and David and Rita will be heading back to Canada soon.

Happy Birthday to Eliza :Hi:

Have a good day everyone, whatever you're doing xx
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Re: Good morning Tuesday

Postby JoM » 16 Apr 2024, 08:24

Morning all, it’s sunny at the moment?

Yesterday ended up being quite a nice day, although quite cold and very breezy. The sun shone all afternoon and until dark though and I managed to get a load of bedding dried on the line in no time. There’s another load of washing in the machine now with another ready to go in when that’s finished.

Off to the Odeon tonight to see the film about Amy Winehouse, I was never a fan but John liked her music and it looks like it might be interesting. Need to remember to pick up mine and Joe’s train tickets to Wembley from the station while we’re in Stafford too. The ticket machines on our local stations are too temperamental as the stations are unmanned so no one is there to keep an eye on them but the mainline ones are usually okay and I’d rather have proper paper tickets than a download on my phone.

Happy Birthday to Eliza! :D

Have a good day all :)
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Re: Good morning Tuesday

Postby Kaz » 16 Apr 2024, 08:34

Morning all :)

Enjoy that lovely warmth Al :D xx

Jan, that did make me laugh about the phone. I lost my M&S Sparks card once, because it was the same colour as the tray in the cafe :oops: :lol: :lol: Have a nice lunch with your friends xx

Hope the film's ok, Jo :) xx

Weird weather today - blue sky and fluffy clouds at the front of the house, and threatening grey out the back :cute: :roll:

Em and I had a great time at Cribbs Causeway yesterday, I exchanged my dress and got a new one :D Then we got stuck on the M5 just past Dursley as there was apparently a vehicle on fire somewhere :shock: It took us two and a half hours to get back, instead of half an hour.

Our for breakfast shortly, then round to D's afterwards. Our nephew Sam is staying with D at the moment, as he's attending a course in Stroud. Hoping to see him at some point while he's up, probably Thursday as his course ends on Wednesday and he's promised D he'll cut her hedge before he goes back to Somerset.

Happy birthday Eliza :D :D :D

Have a good day everyone :) xx
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Re: Good morning Tuesday

Postby cruiser2 » 16 Apr 2024, 08:47

Good morning everybody.

A cool 13C when I got up and went for the paper. the sun is shining with lots of blue sky.
Goingto Warrington. I am having some VHS tapes with holiday photos on transferred to discs so i can watchthem on the computer or TV.

Back home I will be ironing. Too cold tobe outside in the wind.

Happy birthday to Eliza,
Jan, I also losemy phone and have to ring it usingmy landline.

Have a good day everybody.
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Re: Good morning Tuesday

Postby meriad » 16 Apr 2024, 10:20

Hello and good morning all

Ally, I'm just going to do the usual sigh and wistfully dream of your temperatures :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: although, to be honest - I don't think I'd like to go much higher that what you have now; and given we're only end of April you're set for another scorcher of a summer :(
Jan, enjoy the lunch! It'll be sad for you when the four head off to their 'summer pastures'
Jo, will be interesting to see what you think about the movie - I've not heard / seen any reviews on it
Kaz, what a nightmare journey home. But glad you found another dress (haven't looked, have you posted a photo? :D :D :D ) Nice to have your nephew close by for a bit
Cruiser, good luck with the transferring of films. It's so special. Also ask them if they can put the tapes onto a USB drive for you then they'll keep for another generation as well

Crommers, happy birthday to Eliza! Hope you all have a lovely day

Well office day for me; big boss from the US is over so lots of meetings throughout the day and office lunch for everyone. Will be a busy day

Have a lovely day all x
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Re: Good morning Tuesday

Postby jenniren » 16 Apr 2024, 10:54

Morning all :D

Bright and sunny, very windy and rain's forecast :roll:

Happy Birthday Eliza xx

Just received an e-mail about booking a booster Covid jab online. I'll take a look and see where they're being done, my preference would be my surgery, easy parking etc.

We're planning a trip over to Westwood Cross in the next hour or so. I have a £10 voucher for Boots No.7 and it has to be used by tomorrow at the latest. Would be silly to miss it as I use their skincare and although it's less expensive than the big brands it's not exactly cheap. Will also take a look at what's happening with the old Debenhams building. The space is being filled with various things including a 10 pin bowling alley (not open yet) and there's a new coffee placed so we might pop in to see what it's like and maybe have a light lunch.

Hope you all have a good day xx
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Re: Good morning Tuesday

Postby cromwell » 16 Apr 2024, 12:24

Good afternoon all.
A sunny and breezy day here today.
Thankyou for the birthday wishes for Eliza!
The little one has skipped off to school today, as happy as Larry.
There has been a black Vauxhall Corsa parked at the end of our street for more than two weeks.
It looks well looked after, there's no damage to the steering column and I have rung the police who have told me it's not stolen. So that's a bit of a mystery.
Have a lovely day everyone.
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Re: Good morning Tuesday

Postby victor » 16 Apr 2024, 17:23

Good afternoon all,
Had an e mail today saying the spring covid jab is coming.
Not for me it isn't.
The last one I had was October, November I started a cough which went through til February.
In that time I had 2 lots of steroid tablets, several blood tests and chest x rays which established fluid on my lungs,low iron (more tablets), now found I have a faulty heart valve which needs replacing ,somewhen.
Meanwhile I have had a cat scan tosee if I have any other problems.
Then Dr will decide if they can do my op up through my leg or through my chest.
Going back to the cough rang 111 as I couldn't stop coughing and getting my breath,no sleep at night.
111 said go straight to hospital, 3 hour wait for ambulance, fortunately son number 2 is only 5 min away so he took me in at 9p.m .
In a and e til 12.30 a.m.

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Re: Good morning Tuesday

Postby cromwell » 16 Apr 2024, 18:05

Don't blame you Vic, I'm not getting another one either. That cough sounds bad; we've had so many nasty coughs /viruses recently; my son is only now getting a bit better and he's had it for six weeks.
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