Good morning Wednesday

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Good morning Wednesday

Postby Ally » 01 May 2024, 06:09

Good morning.

Nice and sunny on this Día del Trabajador. 8-)

David's picking me up at 9 and we're going to the other side of Guadalmar for a walk.
There's nature reserves and the sea so lots of nice things to look at. :D

Once home I'll shower then walk into town with Don and we'll have lunch at Gambrinus. :D

TV tonight.

Have a great day.
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Re: Good morning Wednesday

Postby JanB » 01 May 2024, 07:36

Morning Ally, morning everyone

Sunny after last nights rain, but not that warm. Not really warming up until the week-end.

Labour day here too.

Enjoy your walk Ally x

Off to do the supermarkets this morning, then back to do not a lot.

Meeting friends at the bar later.

Have a good day everyone, whatever you're doing xx
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Re: Good morning Wednesday

Postby cruiser2 » 01 May 2024, 09:04

Good morning everybody.

Still only 15C here. Cloudy with a hazy sun tryingto come out.

Goingto the doctors to discus my medication. My blood sugar readings are going up even if I don't have anthing to eat. Didn't have any problem getting an appaointment.
Will walk down as the car park is always full unless you go early.

Will then go into town on the bus and hav a drink and get some meat for lunch.
This afternoon will do some more weeding in the back garden so it looks nice on the bank holiday.

Have a good day everybody.
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Re: Good morning Wednesday

Postby meriad » 01 May 2024, 10:06

Good morning you three and everyone

Ally, enjoy the walk and then the lunch - sounds a lovely day
Jan, make the most of a day of not doing too much - you don't often have those; and have a fab time this evening
Cruiser, good luck with the doctor, hope they get thing sorted for you. Enjoy the rest of your day

Office day for me today. It was really misty this morning when I woke up but it's cleared and the sun is trying to break through. Very odd weather - it's warm(ish) and hazy and then this evening we are apparently expecting thunder storms.

Have a lovely day all x
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Re: Good morning Wednesday

Postby Osc » 01 May 2024, 10:35

Morning all, it’s a nice sunny day here. A gasman cometh at 9.30 to fit a new battery on the meter, he said that was done for another ten years, I wondered would I still be here in 10 years! Today I’ll clean the bathrooms, make some soup, and I need to go to the post office to take out money, and collect a prescription while I’m out. I washed a duvet cover last night and got it out on the line before going to bed, so it’s blowing around gently in the sunshine.

We were looking at a particular holiday last night and I’ll be ringing the travel company with some questions before we decide.
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Re: Good morning Wednesday

Postby jenniren » 01 May 2024, 11:23

Morning all :D

Bright sunshine here 8-)

We're off to Westwood Cross and M&S in the next hour or so. My ankle is suffering a bit after physio yesterday so I won't be doing too much walking.

Hope you all have a good day xx
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Re: Good morning Wednesday

Postby Kaz » 01 May 2024, 17:04

Afternoon everyone :)

I've been out all day again, until just now. An early start - Mick needed to get round his mum's, as a delivery of shingle was due. It turned out that the wagon couldn't get down her road because of the cars parked on it, so he had to turn back, and it's coming tomorrow on a smaller lorry :roll: I went to the sunbed place, after a cuppa with my friend, as my psoriasis has flared up again, then walked up to D's from town at lunchtime - or rather I hobbled, as I have a very sore toe at the moment. Might need to find a good podiatrist :?

Love to all :) xx
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