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Good morning Saturday

PostPosted: 04 May 2024, 06:22
by Ally
Good morning.

Sunny and 28° forecast again. As it was in the 30s yesterday I expect it'll be the same today on the steady incline to summer heat madness. :lol:

Conor's coming over to watch the Birmingham City do or die game with Don.
I'll be taking refuge by the pool but no doubt I'll hear the shouting and cussing :lol: depending on which way the game is going. :lol:

The three of us will then head out for a couple of cold beers..
Conor's going to a party and us two will pick up a Chinese takeaway and come home to flop in front of the TV. :lol:

Have a great day.

May the fourth be with you. :lol:

Re: Good morning Saturday

PostPosted: 04 May 2024, 06:33
by jenniren
Morning all

Just showered, getting ready for hospital. Dave our lovely neighbour is running us to the hospital, I need to be there by 7.30am.
No idea where I'm on the list, fingers crossed it's early, less time hanging around getting nervous!!

Hope you all have a good day xx

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Re: Good morning Saturday

PostPosted: 04 May 2024, 08:01
by JanB
Morning Ally, Jen and everyone

Sunny but cool, warming up nicely though 8-) 25C for us, but still cold at night.

Best of luck Jen, no idea why, I though it was Monday.

Cleaning for me this morning and Grumpy will be strimming again.

I picked up some books yesterday, so that's my afternoon sorted :lol:

Meeting friends at the bar later.

Have a good day everyone, whatever you're doing xx

Re: Good morning Saturday

PostPosted: 04 May 2024, 08:22
by cruiser2
Good morning everybody.

Still only 15C. Cloudy and we have had rain agan.

Going to town to have a chat witha friend. Ihave not seen him this week. No doubt we will discuss the election results. No change here. Most of the town would have to leave as it
has been strong labour when most of the men were miners.

Back home will just be pootling.

Have a good day everybody.

Re: Good morning Saturday

PostPosted: 04 May 2024, 10:21
by Osc
Morning all, it’s dull and dreary again :roll: We are heading into town for a wander around the shops and a bit of lunch. Then home, and Edward will be watching a big rugby match - SIL and Michael have actually got tickets for it. I’m not interested in rugby so I’ll read/crochet/play on my iPad.

Re: Good morning Saturday

PostPosted: 04 May 2024, 11:55
by saundra
Morning all grey here just seen photos of both my neighbour on holiday in Turkey they all go together for company every year
Good luck Jen hope everything goes smooth have good weekend everyone

Re: Good morning Saturday

PostPosted: 04 May 2024, 12:04
by cromwell
Good afternoon all.
Grey and dull here.
Steve next door has just been picked up by his mates; he's going on a stag do to Magaluf.
A person from down the road has been riding a scooter up and down without a helmet. He appears to be renting a house. his next door neighbour thinks that he is dealing drugs. Wonderful, just what we need.
The opticians haven't fixed my glasses yet, ho hum.
Must get out today, I don't want to get cabin fever.
Have a nice day everyone.

Re: Good morning Saturday

PostPosted: 04 May 2024, 12:59
by Kaz
Afternoon everyone :)

Ally wrote:May the fourth be with you. :lol:

:lol: And happy Star Wars day to you too, Al :D xx

Good luck Jen! :) xx

Jan, at first glance I thought you said Grumpy will be slimming again :shock: Blind as a bat without my specs ;) :P xx

Hope you enjoy your chat, Cruiser :) xx

Sorry about your weather, Osc :( xx

Hi Saundra :D xx

Oh heck, that's not good Crommers :? xx

Well hallelujah, the sun came out here! It's a beautiful day! We have company, Chris is visiting so I'm cooking his favourite roast :D

Have a good day everyone :) xxx