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Good morning Friday

PostPosted: 24 May 2024, 05:20
by Ally
Good morning.

Sunny and toasty hot. :lol: 8-)

A swim mid morning then painting my nails. :D

Meeting a friend with two other friends who're over from Manchester for lunch. :D

Friday beers and tapas tonight.

Have a great day.

Re: Good morning Friday

PostPosted: 24 May 2024, 07:55
by Kaz
Morning all :)

What colour varnish, Al?. :D Enjoy your meet up 8-) xx

Early start here - if it's Friday it must be a SW meeting ;) :lol: A cuppa with Em afterwards, then out for a bite with Mick. The plan is to wash D's car this afternoon - there was a plan to do it earlier in the week, but it rained. It's grey today, but hopefully no rain.

Have a good day everyone :) xxx

Re: Good morning Friday

PostPosted: 24 May 2024, 08:20
by saundra
Morning all it's bright here hope to get in th garden and zap the weeds must get up first have a good day everyone xx

Re: Good morning Friday

PostPosted: 24 May 2024, 08:49
by JanB
Morning everyone

Sunny, warm, not a cloud in sight and my internet was slow to stop this morning :roll:

Washing out and cleaning to be done this morning. No idea what Grumpy will be doing. Depends on how his back/knees/man flu is doing :lol:

Tuna fish cakes and salad for us tonight.

And an early night, after last nights rather late one :oops:

Have a good day everyone, whatever you're doing xx

Re: Good morning Friday

PostPosted: 24 May 2024, 08:55
by cruiser2
Good morning everybody.

It was only 15C when I got up. It has been raining again. The lawn looks very wet.

Goingto Chorley for cheese and meat. May also get some fish. Will have lunch there at one of the many cafes.

Back home will just be pootling.

Have a good day everybody

Re: Good morning Friday

PostPosted: 24 May 2024, 10:15
by cromwell
Morning troops.
Grey here, as per usual. a bit warmer than yesterday though.
In a while we are off to the butchers etc.
We need another duvet cover, so may pop into Dunelm.
It was really nice seeing Eliza yesterday, she is growing up so fast.
The other day we bought a new toilet seat (we have such an exciting life).
MrsC caught Eliza looking at it and asked her what she thought.
Eliza looked at MrsC rather pityingly and said "It's rather old fashioned, grandma". :lol: :lol:
She's only six years old!
Have a lovely day everyone.

Re: Good morning Friday

PostPosted: 24 May 2024, 10:55
by Osc
Morning all, it’s grey and drizzly here, cold too :roll: Our friends just left, they are driving to Mayo today on the first stage of their road trip. They don’t have much planned ahead, just one night booked with an option of a second before moving on. I hope it works out for them. We had a nice time with them yesterday, except it was windy and very cold. We went to the EPIC museum which they enjoyed, then back home here before heading out for a meal locally - we had a voucher for the restaurant so that kept the cost down and we all enjoyed our choices. They may end up staying another night on their way back, we shall see.

I fell on Wednesday and hurt my foot so will be taking it easy for the next couple of days. Yesterday I put on lots of arnica cream and strapped it up before going out, and it has certainly improved a lot, but I didn’t go to mobility class and we won’t go dancing tonight. I got some stuff from Shein yesterday but need to return one, maybe two items so I’ll do that today. Otherwise, no plan for the rest of the day - next thing I’m going to do is put on socks and a sweater as it’s so cold!

Re: Good morning Friday

PostPosted: 24 May 2024, 11:28
by jenniren
Morning all :D

Nice and sunny, but there are a few clouds about.

cromwell wrote:The other day we bought a new toilet seat (we have such an exciting life).
MrsC caught Eliza looking at it and asked her what she thought.
Eliza looked at MrsC rather pityingly and said "It's rather old fashioned, grandma".
She's only six years old!

:lol: :lol: :lol: that did make me chuckle Crommers.

Definitely don't overdo it Osc, my ankle troubles started with a fall and instead of resting it I just strapped it up and kept going, not the best idea.

After two days out and about I'm a bit sore, not as bad as I expected though so that's good. Usual Friday wash day, also expecting a Sainsbury's delivery sometime between 12-1pm. Our life's just as esciting as yours Crommers :lol:

Hope you all have a good day xx

Re: Good morning Friday

PostPosted: 24 May 2024, 12:56
by saundra
My day is even more exciting Jen I'm watching loose women :lol: :lol:

Re: Good morning Friday

PostPosted: 24 May 2024, 15:16
by JoM
Afternoon all, it’s a dull day here but at least it’s dry.

Walked Bill first thing and by the time I got home the washing was ready to hang out on the line. I started boxing up things in the garage using the Ikea boxes I collected last night, stopping for the Tesco delivery and then back out to out. I’ve filled three more black bin bags for the tip so that’s John’s job for tomorrow.

Joe’s working from home today, he’s going to treat my Dad to a takeaway when he’s finished. Me and Joe tried a burger place when John and Tom were in Belgium, just a local company with a few shops around Staffs, and it was really good. Massive portions, a good varied menu and not much more expensive than McDonalds.

Have a good day all :D