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Good morning Sunday

PostPosted: 26 May 2024, 06:02
by Ally
Good morning.

Creeping up to 34° today so after my swim I'll be shading under a palm tree. :lol:

Jacob and Inma are coming over around 5pm.
We're going to walk into town with them for drinks and tapas. :D

Have a great day.

Re: Good morning Sunday

PostPosted: 26 May 2024, 07:00
by JoM
Good morning from the M6 slip road at Knutsford :D

Just heading up to Manchester with John, Joe and Amanda, those two are running the half marathon part of the Great Manchester Run this morning and we’re instructed to wait at the half way point with energy water (there’s a name for it but it’s too early to think). We were all up at 5am and out by 6 in case of delays as Joe’s category starts at 8.20 and :D Manda’s 20 minutes later.

I think a relaxing afternoon is in order once we get home.

Have a good day all :D

Re: Good morning Sunday

PostPosted: 26 May 2024, 07:56
by JanB
Morning Ally, Jo and everyone

Cloudy start, but will be another warm day, one they sky clears.

Good luck to the runners Jo xx Iso something or other, I think the drink is called.

Heading into Ourique in an hour or so. Need a load of drops for Grumpy, so that's going to be a moaning Grumpy for the next month :roll: :lol:

Will do some watering before we go, most of our plants need little water, but the new one's need some care.

Have a good day everyone, whatever you're doing xx

Re: Good morning Sunday

PostPosted: 26 May 2024, 08:22
by Ally
There were four little birds on the footpath round our pool.

Even after I dived in and swam a few lengths they stayed huddled in a little group chattering away. :lol:

Re: Good morning Sunday

PostPosted: 26 May 2024, 08:49
by cruiser2
Good morning everybody.

Only 17C when I got up. Am still wearing a cardigan at the end of May. It has ben raining again .

A day of dusting and polishing. Too wet to go outside. I can always find something to do.

Have a good day everybody.

Re: Good morning Sunday

PostPosted: 26 May 2024, 10:10
by cromwell
Good morning.
Rainng here Cruiser, and none too warm.
Blimey Jo, you are racking up the miles! you could have some of our rain Jan, we've got plenty to spare.
Sunday dinner with daughter and family + sister in law.
Then hopefully a quiet afternoon.
Have a good day everyone.

Re: Good morning Sunday

PostPosted: 26 May 2024, 10:32
by Osc
Morning all, it’s damp and dreary here and currently about 11 degrees, I’m wearing socks although Edward is wearing shorts - for decades I wanted him to wear shorts more and he finally started a few years ago. No plan today, I did loads of laundry and other stuff yesterday so can take it easy today. Reading and jigsaw I think.

Re: Good morning Sunday

PostPosted: 26 May 2024, 11:24
by jenniren
Morning all :D

Bright and sunny 8-)

We had a really good go at the garden yesterday and boy do I know it. Still needs a lot done, but it looks a bit tidier now. Probably just as well we didn't leave it till today, it rained overnight and was still damp when we got up. Think the forecast is good for the rest of the day, but every now and then the sun disappears and it gets very cloudy.

A lazy day beckons, will be cooking a roast chicken for dinner later and that's about it.

Hope you all have a good day xx

Re: Good morning Sunday

PostPosted: 26 May 2024, 12:58
by JanB
Grumpy's eye was not looking too good early this morning, but I've put half of the 12 drops he has to have so far and it's looking a lot better.

He had a shock hen he turned the tv on. The colours were so bright, he turned it off and has been walking around wearing sun-glasses. Inside :lol:

Clouds now gone and it is rather warm day 8-)

Re: Good morning Sunday

PostPosted: 26 May 2024, 16:07
by Kaz
Afternoon everyone :)

Despite the forecast, it's been a bright day here after all - just very windy! We went out to the garden centre at Whitminster for a cuppa, then round to D's. Our nephew Sam was visiting, so it was nice to catch up with him - hearing all about the extreme weather training he did in Norway with the Marines in March. Brrr! :cute: :lol:

I forgot to get the lamb out of the freezer earlier, so we're having that tomorrow now, and we're having curry tonight instead ;)

Love to all xxx