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That cardigan I told you about

PostPosted: 05 Dec 2012, 16:17
by kathy22
Is now at 1/2 price and should now be £27.50 Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Unfortunately cannot find receipt

Kathy :roll:

Re: That cardigan I told you about

PostPosted: 05 Dec 2012, 16:35
by saundra
what a shame
cant you say it was a present and get a credit note
silly me they would only give you todays price :roll:

Re: That cardigan I told you about

PostPosted: 05 Dec 2012, 16:39
by kathy22
Hmmm could try it but to be honest I do like the cardigan but it is the way these shops operate that really annoy me


Re: That cardigan I told you about

PostPosted: 05 Dec 2012, 16:45
by Kaz
Proof of purchase is all that is required........ Debit or credit card statement? If not you are snookered I'm afraid :( xxxxxx

Re: That cardigan I told you about

PostPosted: 05 Dec 2012, 16:48
by Workingman
I know how you feel Kathy, but don't get stressed. Put it down as one of those life things that happen, too often to some of us, but they happen. (((K)))

Re: That cardigan I told you about

PostPosted: 05 Dec 2012, 17:40
by Fugitive
I used to get annoyed when that happened to me but it was usually something I really wanted and if I'd hung on Sale Watching the item may not have been left in my chosen size or colour so I stopped fretting about it. This can spoil the enjoyment ;)

I usually do better when I like something but not enough to click Buy Now And Put It In My Basket At Once and weeks later I see it reduced in price, hover a bit, think do I really like it that much and make the decision!

Re: That cardigan I told you about

PostPosted: 05 Dec 2012, 20:24
by kathy22
Pretty valid point Fugitive as usually if you leave it until it is reduced then more than likely it is not available in your size
