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Good morning Sunday

PostPosted: 16 Jun 2024, 06:08
by Ally
Good morning.

Very hot and sunny. 8-)

A swim soon. Bliss. :D

We're going to Gambrinus for lunch. :D

We'll pick up a rottiseried chicken on the way home as there's no way I'm cooking later. :lol:

We'll have that tonight with salad watching the footy. :D

Have a great day.

Re: Good morning Sunday

PostPosted: 16 Jun 2024, 08:06
by Kaz
Morning Al, morning everyone :)

What a lovely day Mick and I had yesterday :) Aunty Rose's little community were holding a sale in the village hall, in honour of my cousin Dawn's little girl who died many years ago of neuroblastoma, all proceeds going to their charity. Over £900 raised! :shock: :Hi: :Hi:

Aunty Rose was selling her little knitted toys, my cousin Dawn makes the most amazing cakes, and was selling them, and raffling one special cake. Our cousin Sandra was there, my oldest uncle's daughter, and she was selling her handmade children's clothes, which sold very well. We're a very "crafty" family, except for my mum, J and I who completely missed that gene :lol:

D has three other children, her daughter Faith was there, who I haven't seen since she was a child - now an absolutely gorgeous blonde (like her mum) who has just started working for Virgin airlines :)

Aunty D's son, Richard, my surrogate little brother, was there. He and AR were always at our house when we were young, as he was an only child - I'm very fond of Richard :)

So wonderful to see so much family, all in one place :)

Off to my sister's in a couple of hours, we're currently in our Travelodge room at Toddington services, and need to source some breakfast as they don't have a restaurant! Luckily the services have a Costa Coffee, so we should be fine. J is making a chicken casserole followed by pear crumble for lunch - yum!

Have a good day everyone :) xx

Re: Good morning Sunday

PostPosted: 16 Jun 2024, 08:19
by JanB
Morning Ally, Kaz and everyone

Chilly breeze again this morning and we have another couple of cold days, then we're hitting high 30's :shock: Bonkers weather again in our part of Portugal.

I have the rest of the cleaning to finish off - the battery ran out on the vac yesterday :roll: and some ironing to do.

No idea what himself will be doing. Reading probably :lol:

Sounds a lovely day yesterday Kaz, have another good one today x

Have a good day everyone, whatever you're doing xx

Re: Good morning Sunday

PostPosted: 16 Jun 2024, 09:53
by cruiser2
Good morning everybody,

We have had some blue sky but the grey clouds are back with rain as the pavements are now wet. Still only 15C.

I am thinking of emigrating to sunny Spain near Ally.
Manage to speak to my grand-daughter yesterday. She was on a train going to see friends. She said she woud phone again before
she goes on holiday in July.
Also phoned my son as I knew he would be busy today as it is Father's day. He has been to China and Germany. He said because
the M25 is closed at weekends to replace a bridge it took him nearly three hours to get from Heathrow to Kent.

He said he will come to see me in July.
Kaz, Your slae at the village hall is the sort I like to go to. My mother could knit, sew and made many dolls and other items for local charities'.

Am just pootling today
Have a good day everybody.

Re: Good morning Sunday

PostPosted: 16 Jun 2024, 10:04
by cromwell
Good morning.
Ally, we've had to have the heating on this morning - in the middle of June!
Kaz, that sounds like a very lovely day.
Jan, I never think of Portugal of having cold winds but I suppose it must have sometimes.
Cruiser, I think we could all do with a couple of weeks of Spanish sun.
Daughter and son are coming round today, that will be nice.
It's sunny atm but those huge clouds are piling up.
We went to a place called Sledmere House in East Yorkshire a couple of days since.
It's a noble old pile with beautiful parkland, very cute four week old Shire horse foals and an eye wateringly expensive farm shop!
We will see what today brings.

Enjoy the day everyone.

Re: Good morning Sunday

PostPosted: 16 Jun 2024, 10:51
by Osc
Morning all, it’s nice and sunny here but breezy and still not warm enough. We were a bit late to bed last night, Miss Osc and SIL were home relatively early from the concert - they had planned to use public transport but the bus didn’t arrive so they took the car, got a space very near the venue, so were able to get home quickly. We stayed chatting for a while and didn’t get home until after midnight. Michael is going to Irish college today for two weeks, his wallet well replenished by Granny and Grandad ;) I got up early enough this morning so I could hang out washing to take advantage of the nice day. Kellie’s school has its annual Strawberry Fair today so we’ll head up to that for a while later on, as I like to support the school. Edward will probably watch golf and football for the rest of the day - Michael set up the family Euros sweep yesterday, I’ve had two wins already after the first day! I’m taking up a dress so I have that to finish, plus crochet to do and I’ve been neglecting my jigsaw recently so will do some of that.

Re: Good morning Sunday

PostPosted: 16 Jun 2024, 19:50
by JanB
Been rather a blowy day, so the planned bbq didn't happen.

There is a huge fire about half an hour away from us, watching the smoke :shock: which is one of the reasons we didn't have a bbq. But it was okay cooked in the pan. Pineapple and ice cream to come. Never cooked pineapple on the bbq, but it will have to wait.

cromwell wrote: I never think of Portugal of having cold winds but I suppose it must have sometimes.

Down in the Algarve, it's 34C on the coast. Here it's 24C, with very strong wind. We even have snow before you in England, but only up north.