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Good morning Wednesday

PostPosted: 03 Jul 2024, 05:57
by Ally
Good morning.

Nudging 40° so it's an 8am pick up from David for our Guadalmar walk. :D

The day shall be spent frequenting the pool to keep cool and reading. :lol:

Sewing Bee tonight. :D

Have a great day.

Re: Good morning Wednesday

PostPosted: 03 Jul 2024, 07:31
by JanB
Morning Ally, morning everyone

Warm already and we're in for another hot day.

Off to Ourique soon, get the shopping and library out of the way before it gets too hot. Breakfast when we get back.

I'll get a cooked chicken in Pingo and that will do us for dinner for the next couple of nights. Too hot too cook.

Have a good day everyone, whatever you're doing xx

Re: Good morning Wednesday

PostPosted: 03 Jul 2024, 07:57
by cruiser2
Good morning Ally, JanB and anybody else who is up.

Still a cool 17C this morning. We have had more rain and there are still lots of grey clouds. The sun is trying to show itself, but
no blue sky yet.

Going to lidl a I want some food shopping. Then it will be more pootling.

Have a good day everybody.

Re: Good morning Wednesday

PostPosted: 03 Jul 2024, 08:05
by meriad
Good morning you three and everyone

Ally, pool and shade sounds sensible; as does not cooking Jan - I would say enjoy the heat; but probably a tad too warm?
Cruiser - similar weather down here

Office day for me - but doing my usual of going in later to get a cheaper train. Meeting up with a friend for dinner this evening; but that's about it

have a lovely day all x

Re: Good morning Wednesday

PostPosted: 03 Jul 2024, 08:30
by saundra
Morning all its fine drizzle here but not cold
Ally I would just melt it would not be for me about 20would suit me fine
Waiting for Iceland delivery today then it's men in lycra this afternoon and salad for tea ?
Take care everyone

Re: Good morning Wednesday

PostPosted: 03 Jul 2024, 12:59
by jenniren
Afternoon all :D

Rain first thing, nice and sunny now, wonder if it will last........

Would have been here a lot earlier, but had an unexpected call from my sister in Oz. She's looking at travel plans for next year. They usually choose September to visit here, but are thinking about coming over in May as apparently it will be nicer weather in Croatia then, also less crowded. At the moment she's looking into doing the continental bit, Slovenia, Croatia and finishing in Bucharest first. They would fly from there to London where we can arrange our get together. It won't be as convoluted as originally planned for last year, she has to organise things that won't put too much strain on her shoulder, but as she says at our age who knows how much longer any of us can travel, so best to get it in while they can. All very exciting, I'd almost given up hope of being able to see her again.

Off to the hairdresser this afternoon, usual cut and colour. Expect Ed will visit the barber and then, weather permitting, have a walk round the harbour. I'm sure a stop off at the Royal Pavilion for a pint will feature somewhere :lol:

Hope you all have a good day xx

Re: Good morning Wednesday

PostPosted: 03 Jul 2024, 13:43
by Kaz
Afternoon everyone :)

Ally, Jan, take it easy in the heat :) xx

Enjoy pootling Cruiser xx

Have fun with your friend, Ria xx

Enjoy the cycle racing Saundra ;) xx

Jen, that’s great news :) xx

It’s overcast here, with rain blowing about. I met my friend J for our usual Wednesday cuppa, then came home. I was intending to walk, but it started raining so I hopped on a bus. Mick’s busy with the conservatory so I made him a sandwich lunch, and am about to go out with Emma - she needs to go to the big Pets At Home in Cheltenham and then we’ll have a cuppa somewhere.

Love to all xxx