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Good morning Wednesday

PostPosted: 11 Sep 2024, 05:27
by Ally
Good morning.

Another very hot day forecast. 8-)

I'll have a swim soon then pack a rucksack as we're off to Nerja for two days. Bliss by the coast. :P

Our favourite Indian restaurant for dinner tonight. :D

Have a great day.

Best wishes for Chris Kaz. xx

Re: Good morning Wednesday

PostPosted: 11 Sep 2024, 07:31
by JanB
Morning Ally, morning everyone

Mist just started rolling in and it's quite cold outside, only 13C. Will warm up soon.

Safe travels and have a lovely time Ally x

We're off to Lisbon today, on the train. A long day, we won't get back until 9.00 tonight, as long as it's on time :lol:

His appointment isn't until 3.00, so we'll have plenty of time to find the hospital, have lunch and a stroll. Then another long stroll and no doubt a coffee or two, before it's time to get the train home.

Hope Chris had a good night and is feeling okay this morning, Kaz xx

Have a good day everyone, whatever you're doing xx

Re: Good morning Wednesday

PostPosted: 11 Sep 2024, 10:47
by Osc
Morning all, it’s mostly sunny out there but windy. I’ve delayed having my shower so I can take off the plaster on my knee after 24 hours, I’ll have it shortly. I’m still having the odd tweak from the knee but it’s early days. I need to go take out some money, plus buy a birthday card for my niece and post it off. I’m getting my nails done at 2pm, I wonder what colour I’ll get this time - my present colour has been much admired. Edward has an eye infection, been going on for almost two weeks, but he is resisting going to the doctor :roll: Oh he has just said he will go! So I’ll get on the phone straight away!

Re: Good morning Wednesday

PostPosted: 11 Sep 2024, 11:15
by jenniren
Morning all :D

Bright sunshine, hope it lasts.

Ally enjoy Nerja.
Jan good luck to Grumpy with his appointment.
Osc glad Edward's agreed to see the doctor, always good to have these things looked at.

Not sure what we're doing today, might go for a walk later.

Hope you all have a good day xx

Re: Good morning Wednesday

PostPosted: 11 Sep 2024, 12:08
by JoM
Afternoon all, it’s dull after a sunny start. Just seen a few spots of rain on the patio too.

Been out this morning, now back to do some crochet. We watched an excellent new documentary last night about the making of The Sopranos, it was a two parter and 2.5 hours in total so we thought we’d watch one and then watch the next another night but we just had to see it all. Tonight we’re off to the Odeon to see the new Beetlejuice movie.

Hope all is well with Chris x

Have a good day all :)

Re: Good morning Wednesday

PostPosted: 11 Sep 2024, 12:31
by saundra
Morning all looks like rain is about waiting for district nurse to call today to sort out a problem
Hope all is well for Chris take care everyone

Re: Good morning Wednesday

PostPosted: 11 Sep 2024, 14:16
by Kaz
Hello all :)

Chris was great this morning, no pain at all but signed off work until Monday :) It’s amazing what they can do these days 8-)

We’re home and waiting for our friends to bring Fraggle back :)

Love to everyone :) xx

Re: Good morning Wednesday

PostPosted: 11 Sep 2024, 15:47
by saundra
That's good news Kaz

So nice to get an email of Scottish power to tell me
My energy costs are going up surprise suprise

Hammering it down here like winter

Re: Good morning Wednesday

PostPosted: 11 Sep 2024, 18:38
by JoM
Fantastic news Kaz, you all must be so relieved (though no one more so that Fraggle when he comes home!).

Saundra, we’ve had the same from EDF.
Like Autumn here, especially as next door’s diseased tree is shedding dead leaves all over our lawn.

Re: Good morning Wednesday

PostPosted: 12 Sep 2024, 08:39
by Kaz
Thanks :)

Fraggle went bananas when he saw us, Jo, he was so happy xx