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Good morning Tuesday

PostPosted: 17 Sep 2024, 06:16
by Ally
Good morning.

Another 34° forecast but it goes down a bit from tomorrow. Woo hoo! :lol:

I'll have a swim then get ready to go into town to meet a friend for coffee and cake. :D

TV tonight.

Have a great day.

Re: Good morning Tuesday

PostPosted: 17 Sep 2024, 07:35
by JanB
Morning Ally, morning everyone

Warm and the last of our rather warm days. Only 34C today, down to 30C tomorrow and then into high 20's. Thunderstorm forecast for Thursday :Hi: :Hi:

Over 5,000 bombeiros in action overnight, the north has been hit with so many fires, it's dreadful. Nothing down here, just all up north.

Donkey had his morning treats, apple and a carrot :D Grumpy still in bed, so I can't make too much noise :roll: Will do some outside stuff later, before it gets too hot.

Have a good day everyone, whatever you're doing xx

Re: Good morning Tuesday

PostPosted: 17 Sep 2024, 09:28
by Osc
Another very pleasant autumn day here and Edward has gone to play golf. I have my first physio appointment this morning, there isn’t much difference in my knee since I got the injection - he did say it doesn’t work for some people, maybe I’m one of those people :? We had a lovely lunch yesterday with the woman we met 30 years ago in Kenya, she was on her honeymoon then. They are still married but he wasn’t with her, she is here with her sister. She brought along a photo taken of us taken when we were on safari - my hair :shock:

Re: Good morning Tuesday

PostPosted: 17 Sep 2024, 10:03
by JoM
Morning all, it’s sunny and we’re forecast 17°for this afternoon.

I thought I was going to be waiting around for an Amazon delivery all morning, one of those before 1pm deliveries, but it was here just after 8am.
I can hoover now that I’m not having to listen for the doorbell :lol:

There were a few Northern Lights alerts last night but the almost full moon made the sky too bright for it to be visible, then I woke just before 4.30am and thought I’d go for a quick look out of the spare bedroom window and there they were! That’s the third time now since May, quite unbelievable.

Hope the injection does work Osc, hope the physio helps x

Have a good day all :)

Re: Good morning Tuesday

PostPosted: 17 Sep 2024, 10:19
by saundra
Morning all !lovely day blue sky and no wind had to put the heating on last night for first time it was lovely have a go day everyone hugs
Hi jo just seen your ticker going to California? Yea

Re: Good morning Tuesday

PostPosted: 17 Sep 2024, 11:16
by jenniren
Morning all :D

Nice and bright.

Hope the injection kicks in soon Osc.
Not long till California Jo, where exactly are you going? We went to San Fransisco and really enjoyed it.

Nothing much planned, a lazy day beckons.

Hope you all have a good day xx

Re: Good morning Tuesday

PostPosted: 17 Sep 2024, 13:08
by cromwell
Good afternoon.
It's a wonderful day here, warm and sunny with a gentle breeze.
We've had quite a busy morning, paying a cheque into the bank, paying the car insurance and doing a shop.
I was also entertained by two young people walking up the street, she shouting at him at the top of her voice and using some very unladylike language.
Fifteen minutes later they walked back down the street, hand in hand!
Osc, that's a lovely story. I do hope the injection kicks in (no pun intended) soon.
Jan, that's terrible; all those fires.
Have a lovely day everyone.

Re: Good morning Tuesday

PostPosted: 17 Sep 2024, 18:17
by Kaz
Evening everyone!

It's been a beautifully sunny day, but windy down by the sea. We set out after breakfast, to walk from Malborough where we're staying, to South Sands. About a mile and a half down winding country roads, really pretty! We had a cuppa on the beach terrace of the South Sands Hotel, then stepped onto the sea tractor that takes you out to the ferry to Salcombe.

We had a wander through town, then had lunch at The Wardroom, a small place right by the pontoons on Victoria Quay with an amazing view of the harbour. Apparently US troops embarked for D Day from there, as there's a commemorative plaque - gave me food for thought, all those young men sailing off from such a gorgeous spot, on a beautiful summer's morning, off to hell on earth...... :? :(

We got the bus back to Malborough as Fraggle was getting tired. I'm pretty tired too :lol:

Love to all xxx