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Good morning Saturday

PostPosted: 08 Mar 2025, 07:31
by Ally
Good morning.

Back from an early walk to avoid the rain. :lol:

It's due to start at nine and last all day and lots of tomorrow...the reservoirs will be happy. :D

Ten of us are going out for lunch. Good job the restaurant has a huge covered terrace. :lol:

We're going to start watching a series on Netflix tonight. :P

Have a great day.

Re: Good morning Saturday

PostPosted: 08 Mar 2025, 08:14
by meriad
Good morning Ally and everyone - happy weekend!

Enjoy that rain Ally - definitely always welcome your neck of the woods. And have fun at the lunch - lots of laughter on the menu I suspect? x

Another beautiful day here; blue skies and sunshine, so it's an allotment and garden day for me. Have a lovely day all x

Re: Good morning Saturday

PostPosted: 08 Mar 2025, 08:38
by cruiser2
Good morning Ally, Ria and anybody elsewho is up.

14C when I got up. No rain and the sun is trying to come out. Will wash the car later. Am getting documents ready as I am going to renew my Blue badge which exp[ires next
month. Will go to the library as I do not feel confident to do it myself at home.

Will also move the fridge. I am having the gas boiler serviced on Monday morning and it is in the way.

Have a good day everybody.

Re: Good morning Saturday

PostPosted: 08 Mar 2025, 08:42
by meriad
Cruiser, please be careful with moving the fridge; can the gas engineer not help you do that when she/he arrives?

Re: Good morning Saturday

PostPosted: 08 Mar 2025, 10:44
by jenniren
Morning all :D

Bright and sunny 8-)

Ally enjoy lunch.
Ria don't overdo it in the allotment.
Cruiser, careful moving the fridge, surprising how heavy they are.

Michelle our eldest daughter is 60 today, how did that happen :o She put a load of photo's on Fb yesterday, looks like they're all having a lovely time in Lanzarote.

We were up and out at silly o'clock for the M&S trolley dash. It was very quiet this morning, the shelves were well stocked. but no papers so I detoured to our little shop on the way back. We'll be away for Easter so I treated us to a small pack of hot cross buns for lunch today.

Hope you all have a good day xx

Re: Good morning Saturday

PostPosted: 08 Mar 2025, 11:27
by saundra
Morning all beautiful day why would you lift a fridge
Just slide it to the next point then,slide it back cruiser
That's what most people do it shouldn't be next to a boiler anyway take care everyone

Re: Good morning Saturday

PostPosted: 08 Mar 2025, 11:29
by Osc
Good morning all, urgh I can’t do late nights, didn’t hit the bed until 2am :( Then I didn’t get to sleep for a while because my feet were cramping - I did think that I should get up and put Biofreeze on them but I must have fallen asleep. We had a great night, very nice meal (although the service was poor). Lots of dancing, hence the crampy feet! The people on our table were nice so we had plenty of chat and then mixing with our friends during the dancing. Our drive there took 1 hour 20 minutes, traffic and drizzly rain slowing us down. However we got home in under an hour.

Kellie is performing in her stage school show today, we are going to the matinee with my sister. We’ve booked a nearby restaurant for an early meal afterwards then home to collapse and maybe have an early night!

Re: Good morning Saturday

PostPosted: 08 Mar 2025, 11:42
by JanB
Morning everyone

We actually have some sun at the moment, but have had torrential rain. Feels warm ish, but I'm shivering with cold.

Was at the centro de saude at 7.25 and I was third in the queue :shock: Got to see the doc just after 9.00 - no-one sat near me, I had to wear a mask, because of my cough - it was quite funny, seeing people do a quick u-turn :lol:

Got antibiotics, an expectorant and a immune building up liquid. Then I had to see the nurse, who checked my bp and told me I was dead, it was much too high :shock: :shock: :lol: Did it again and it was perfect :lol: I've lost over 4 kilos in the last three weeks :Hi: and an inch from my waist :Hi:

Back to have a bacon roll. Well, they call it bacon, it looks nothing like it, tastes nothing like it, but it's meat and I had five rashers. They shrink :roll:

I'm doing nothing at all today and tomorrow, in the hope of feeling much better by Monday.

Enjoy your lunch Ally.

Have a good day everyone, whtever you're doing xx

Re: Good morning Saturday

PostPosted: 08 Mar 2025, 16:46
by Workingman
Good afternoon everyone.

It is a fabulous Spring day up here. Total sunshine and a slight southwesterly breeze.

I had to stay in this morning waiting for DPD delivery of Milo's birthday present for tomorrow then I went out for a card and some shopping.

Now it's TV and the rugby then a takeaway for tea.

Enjoy the sunshine if you have it. xx

Re: Good morning Saturday

PostPosted: 08 Mar 2025, 17:25
by Kaz
Afternoon everyone :)

Ally, that will be much needed, I'll bet :D xx

A perfect day for the allotment, Ria :) xx

Do take care, Cruiser - white goods can be really heavy! xx

Happy 60th to your daughter, Jen!. :Hi: It's also Mick's youngest brother's 60th today. :D xx

Afternoon, Saundra :) xx

You'll be ready for that early night Osc! I hope Kellie's show goes well. :) .xx

Oh that's such a good weight loss, Jan!. :D :D .Well done! :Hi: xx

Fabulous weather here too Frank! Spring has sprung :lol: :D xx

It's been warm enough here to go out without a coat!. :shock: :Hi: So I just wore a thick cardi over my shirt and jeans when we went out for breakfast :D All the grass verges at the roadsides here have daffs out - it's so cheerful 8-) Round to D's after that - her garden is a riot of spring colour :) Home now, and I have just booked us a week down in Devon in September - same property as last year :D xx

Love to