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It's great having young lads...

PostPosted: 07 Dec 2012, 16:33
by Ally
I'm sure my two here are helping keep me young! :lol: :lol:

Both lads are upstairs right now as I type and are both singing along to Oasis!

The other day Jacob had Elvis Costello on his ipod..I thought it was Don listening to it so was delighted when I realised it was Jacob. :D :D

It's great to hear all the music we love/loved and now being enjoyed by our two lads. :D :D

Not sure what the neighbours think when the 4 of us are screeching Wonderwall!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: It's great having young lads...

PostPosted: 07 Dec 2012, 16:54
by Kaz

Re: It's great having young lads...

PostPosted: 07 Dec 2012, 17:08
by meriad
Nothing like some good music to put a smile on your face and a spring into your step.... and to keep young :)

Re: It's great having young lads...

PostPosted: 07 Dec 2012, 18:07
by miasmum
Ally, Noel is on my list of people to see too, be prepared 8-) Although Don can come to that one, as Tim likes him too

Re: It's great having young lads...

PostPosted: 07 Dec 2012, 18:09
by tonicha
I had a Jonhie Walker compilation tape blasting out this afternoon :D

Sade Cafe (saw them in Bristol) Booker T and the MG's ( Grumpy said who???) all sorts, loved it

Re: It's great having young lads...

PostPosted: 07 Dec 2012, 18:25
by Ally
miasmum wrote:Ally, Noel is on my list of people to see too, be prepared 8-) Although Don can come to that one, as Tim likes him too

I'll be watching VV now for FAO's for me from you. Bring it on. :lol: :lol:

Shell...would you come over here for a concert if it was someone you really really wanted to see? :D

Re: It's great having young lads...

PostPosted: 07 Dec 2012, 18:51
by Diflower
I'd think it was nice too if Bb's boys listened to Oasis etc...they do both like Queen but sadly eldest's first love is definitely heavy metal :D Metallica, Iron Maiden...all vibrate-your-bones stuff. Not that I don't like it actually, but not when we ask them to choose a cd for while we're eating dinner :lol:

Tonight there's an AC/DC concert on BBC4, Live at River Plate - the dvd is £12-£13 on amazon, but we're recording it onto a disc and have copied the cover front and back so we can print it off :)
After it is an Iron Maiden programme, so he's getting that as a bonus :)

Re: It's great having young lads...

PostPosted: 07 Dec 2012, 19:12
by JoM
One of my first memories of being a Mom is connected to music. Tom was about 3 weeks old and was sleeping in his Moses basket in the living room. I was cleaning in the kitchen so put some music on, Oasis actually. I got lost in the music and as I cleaned it got louder and louder...then suddenly it hit me "I have a baby, and he's sleeping". I rushed in to the other room to check on him...and there he was, kicking his legs and smiling :lol:
They've both been brought up listening to our favourites and enjoy listening to them themselves.

Re: It's great having young lads...

PostPosted: 07 Dec 2012, 19:23
by Ally
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: It's great having young lads...

PostPosted: 07 Dec 2012, 19:42
by Workingman
We used to go to Le Lavandou every year and drive through the night. I had an eight CD changer so could go Calais to Le Lav without hearing the same tune twice. It was all a mix of 60s, 70s and 80s and the children were asleep - pas problem.

Daughter used to take her moby CD player so that she could listen to her [C]Rap music.

One day I noticed, as she was in the middle of her four hour make-up session, her foot tapping. 'That's not rap' I thought, so I sneaked up and nicked the CD player.

"Dad, NOOOOoooo."

She had been in the car and 'borrowed' a CD with the 70s hits. She has never looked back. :D :D :D :D :D