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Blurdy yell.

PostPosted: 12 Dec 2012, 19:59
by Workingman
It has not got above freezing today, and according to the weather sites it won't do until Friday, when we will get snow!

I'm off to buy one of they slanket/snuggler thingies. I won't be getting one of the big slippers though, I just KNOW that I will forget that I am wearing it. :oops: ;) :)

Ton, ALE and Vic are banned from comments on this thread. :evil:

Re: Blurdy yell.

PostPosted: 12 Dec 2012, 20:01
by Kaz
You can have my old slanket if you like - I don't need it in this new house 8-) You can't have my polar bear slippers though, I like them :P :D :lol:

Re: Blurdy yell.

PostPosted: 12 Dec 2012, 20:10
by Workingman
I didn't mean "pair of" slippers. I meant one of those big "both feet in one" slippers. :o

I just know that I would break my neck!

Adverts come on, time for a cuppa, stand up and ..... you get the picture? 999 "What service do you require?" Me: "The one that deals with idiots please." :D :D :D

Re: Blurdy yell.

PostPosted: 12 Dec 2012, 20:13
by Kaz
LOL Yes I know the ones you mean - these great padded slippers are a bit of a hazard too, on the stairs. Mick bought them for me in Berlin - wonder if he's upped the insurance???? :lol: :oops: :?

Re: Blurdy yell.

PostPosted: 12 Dec 2012, 20:15
by Rodo
Just get yer bluming long johns on fella. Slankets are for cissies.

Re: Blurdy yell.

PostPosted: 12 Dec 2012, 20:21
by Workingman
But I look like Yoda in a slanket! I just can't do the things 'floating in the air' trick.

And DO NOT say anything about my ears, I am sensitive about my ears. :(

Yoda did not wear long johns.

Re: Blurdy yell.

PostPosted: 12 Dec 2012, 20:28
by Rodo
How do you know? He might have had some on under that long robe.

Re: Blurdy yell.

PostPosted: 12 Dec 2012, 20:38
by Kaz
Nooo I had Yoda pegged for wearing frillies under that robe - a pointy-eared mini-pervert if I ever saw one :shock: :evil: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: Blurdy yell.

PostPosted: 12 Dec 2012, 20:43
by tonicha
This is Grumpy squeeking

It's berlinkin' cold here too y'know 8-)

She (who must be obeyed, yes ma'am) made me light the fire a full 2 hours before I normally so AND brought out three, yes, THREE logs for tonight.

Cold? You don't know nuffin :oops:

Re: Blurdy yell.

PostPosted: 12 Dec 2012, 20:51
by Workingman
Ton, stop pretending to be Grumpy. We know it's you.

Grumpy would tell it how it is, so stoppit.

Rodo, Yoda does not need long johns, his Jedi powers enable him to keep warm, everywhere. Not sure about the frillies though. Yoda, like all of us, has secrets. ;) :shock: