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Are you ready?

PostPosted: 20 Dec 2012, 14:07
by debih
I feel as though I am almost there!

I did my shop last night so don't have to buy anything now other than milk - which I will get tomorrow when I take my sister home.

I fetched my veg and salad today - my mum is buying us a fruit hamper as part of our xmas present and I should get that on Saturday.

I have delivered all my Christmas presents and posted all my cards.

The tree is up and decorated.

Tomorrow I will make a big batch of leek and potato soup, will wrap the last of the presents (just L's now - all the others are done) and put the last two hampers together (everything is ready, just needs putting in the hampers and wrapping). On Saturday I will bake the ham.

We are having a rich beef casserole for dinner on Christmas Day and I will cook that on Christmas Eve before we go to my mums for our big family dinner so that it can mature over night.

The girls finish school tomorrow and I assume that Mick finishes work tomorrow too.

So I feel as though I am all ready - let Christmas commence.

Re: Are you ready?

PostPosted: 20 Dec 2012, 14:26
by Fugitive
Well, my big Sainsbury's Christmas delivery is due tomorrow but if it keeps on raining like this the delivery won't get through the Somerset floods and as this includes my daughter's delivery too we could be in trouble as she's doing the family Christmas Lunch round hers. If it does arrive I have to store all her nibbles, in fact everything edible, here as The Boys will eat everything that doesn't move if it finds it's way into her fridge and freezer before Christmas Eve.

Busy planning escape routes to The Pub :P

Re: Are you ready?

PostPosted: 20 Dec 2012, 14:39
by Ally
I'm ready, waiting, willing and able. :P :P

I love Christmas but this year feel even more excited than usual. :P :P

Party! Party! Party! Paco's here I come. :P :P :P :P

Re: Are you ready?

PostPosted: 20 Dec 2012, 14:42
by meriad
I've still got a few Christmas cards to deliver in the neighbourhood, go to the shops tomorrow evening after work to get the perishable stuff and a few other bits and bobs and then I think I'm done as well. Just to clean the house, make sure the wine rack is stacked, the bubbly chilled (it's outside so perfect temperature LOL). Oh and dig out the fondue pot.... :D :D :D

Re: Are you ready?

PostPosted: 20 Dec 2012, 15:43
by saundra
im sorted here
freezer is full
just need fresh veg /salad saturday
and tv papers
well thats the plan
lillys mum fridge freezer broke this week
so she cant take delivery of new one till jan3rd :shock:
good job she is going to her dads xmas eve till boxing day morning
and lillys hamster died funeral today :)

Re: Are you ready?

PostPosted: 20 Dec 2012, 16:07
by TheOstrich
We'll have to do a final shop for perishables on Sunday down at Asda. Otherwise just a couple of local Xmas cards to do, but we're waiting to see if they send to us first ..... :mrgreen:

As it happens, I'm by necessity working tomorrow / Monday / Thursday / Friday, so Christmas is hardly happening for the Ostrich this year .... :o

Re: Are you ready?

PostPosted: 20 Dec 2012, 16:56
by cruiser2
Got loads of food and drink. Going to daughters on Christmas day. May have to drive home if weather is bad so only one glass of wine.
Got to get some veg and bread but have done most of the shopping. Off out early tomorrow to PC world. Have got some vouchers which I am going to use. Have phoned the store to make sure it is in stock and it has been reserved for me.

Re: Are you ready?

PostPosted: 20 Dec 2012, 18:05
by Kaz
Yep - cards posted, presents wrapped, freezer full - just need to get the last few 'fresh' bits on Sunday and that's it 8-)

:P :P :P

Re: Are you ready?

PostPosted: 20 Dec 2012, 18:55
by miasmum
Am I ready? Well I might have been if the kitchen floor wasn't being dug up tomorrow. I shall be stuck at home now as the men can't be left unattended and given that two people now have told me how useless Homeserve are, and so far that has been true, I don't want to leave them unattended.

I am working all day Monday too so looks like the weekend will be busy :o

Re: Are you ready?

PostPosted: 20 Dec 2012, 19:17
by tonicha
Crikey MM - gert hugs xxxxxxxxx

Last of the shopping done today, both freezers full, beer fridge full, got three extra bottles of wine but the food fridge looks scarily empty.

But as it's only the two of us and we aren't doing anything really special - I'm done.

The few decs are up, as per my avator - and I have actually got a few doofers on a wooden box too, like a foot high tree with feathery balls.

I hope you all have a lovely lovely time - Fugi, hope the water doesn't ause too many problems - and hope Lily is okay about her hamster xx