Good Morning Thursday

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Good Morning Thursday

Postby tonicha » 29 Nov 2012, 07:50

Morning everyone

By heck, it's cold :o winter coat on when I go out :lol:

Just beginning to get light anfd it's supposed to be a glorious day, with lots of sunshine, just hope it warms up 8-)

Off to the emergency at the hospital and let's hope I can get to see ( :D ) the the eye doctor this morning.

Then, if we're out in a reasonable time :roll: but this is Portugal and I may be some time....we'll go over to Tavira so Grumpy can finish off the rendering he was doing yesterday. He had to climb up, onto next doors roof and then climb down the ladder we'd taken onto the yet another neighbours garden. Not very high, but quite scary for me to watch.

Have a good day everyone xx
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Re: Good Morning Thursday

Postby Weka » 29 Nov 2012, 08:24

tell grumpy to be careful up that ladder!!

well I've had a very panicky moment today. completely self inflicted and I've definitely learnt my lesson.
It was raining for kindy drop off, so I decided to leave Oliver in the car so he would stay dry, while i ran Sasha inside. drop off normally takes all of 2 minutes, so I hid all the valuables in the car, (wallet, ipad....) under my car seat and left. now, when I leave a child in the car, i never lock the car, as, should something happen to me, someone can get into the car easy, I also leave a window a bit open for air, again, for the same reason.
So, I did the drop off, came back to the car, reached under my seat, and only my wallet was there!! :shock: :shock: :shock: queue the panic. the mad panic, and I mean panic. im on my hands and knees, scrambling through every nook and cranny of the car. I checked everywhere, even though I knew exactly where I had put it, but i'm so ditzy at the moment that I started to doubt myself. I took off around the block hoping to see the culprit with it in there hands, drove round the block, ran back into kindy in case I had actually took it inside, by now I'm almost in tears. back into the car, another lap around the block and rung hubby and told him. he told me to check under the seat again as he couldn't understand why the ipad was gone and not my wallet. so while driving along, i reached down under my seat, and there it was. sitting there waiting for me. :roll: :x que a bit of hyperventilating, bit of a head spinning....... What had happened was there is a couple of bars directly below my seat, and it was sitting between the seat and those bars. not on the floor under the seat at all which is why I couldnt see or feel it before.

so lesson learnt. never leave a child in an unlocked car. sigh.....

if it makes a bad newspaper headline, don't do it..........

before you judge, I would never in a million years do this in some parts of Auckland, but on the whole it's still pretty safe here and i've never heard of a car being driven off with a child inside here.

so for the rest of the day, got a coat of varnish on my bathroom door. The tilier has got most of the wall tiles up. Most of the kitchen is now packed up.

Babysitting now for a friend, so the chickens, and their coop, have just taken a trip over the harbour bridge and will stay in my friends garden till after we move. She will soon be only 5 mins away from me. Anyway, better go settle in the chickens with food and water before it gets dark. I had to wait till the 3 kids were asleep.

have a good day everyone. Good luck at emergency Ton.
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Re: Good Morning Thursday

Postby Ally » 29 Nov 2012, 08:32

Good morning

It's going to be another lovely warm day here. :D

We're off to the airport shortly....well, 25 minutes and Don still has to shower. :o

God that man faffs. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Good luck Ton and hope you're feeling better Kate. xx

Enjoy the day. xx
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Re: Good Morning Thursday

Postby saundra » 29 Nov 2012, 09:22

morning all
bright/dry/windy here
washing today hope it drys out side
waiting for deliverys today
kaz hope M arrived home safe and sound
ally safe journey
kate get well
ton good luck at hospital
everybody else have a good day
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Re: Good Morning Thursday

Postby Kaz » 29 Nov 2012, 09:37

Morning everyone :)

Thanks Saundra yes he did - at about half past midnight :shock: :lol: He just missed one bus back from the airport so had to wait two hours at Heathrow for another :roll:

Ton, Jan (Which do you prefer BTW?) loads of luck getting to see the eye doc (((((x)))))

Ally safe flight and hope you've got your thermal drawers on :o ;) :lol:

((((Weka))))) I'm glad all was well. Leaving a child in the car isn't something we'd do here admittedly as we hear a lot about cars being driven off with children inside, but you live in a totally different culture and when my eldest was a baby we thought nothing of leaving them outside shops in their prams was the we all live by the 'rules' of what is the norm in our society. I would never judge you hun, you're a brilliant mummy (((((x)))))

Well Mick got home in the early hours - cue dog going bananas and waking the whole house :lol: - so we're all a bit tired this morning. Becks think her college bus will be cancelled again due to a flooded road but is going to try - Mick told her to ring if it is cancelled and he'll try to get her up there via a different route :? All the kerfuffle means that means she won't have time to pick up the work experience form from the vets that I took in to be signed yesterday, so guess who'll be schlepping up there again this afternoon? 8-) :roll: :lol:

Mick bought me some chocs home and a pair of cute polar bear slippers - might take a piccie later of those LOL The kids both got a tiny novelty alarm clock with Berlin on them - I spot a freebie from the conference for the clocks TBH, but gift horses, mouths and all that ;) :P :lol:

Take care today everyone, special hugs for (((((((((((Kate))))))))))))) (((((((((((Saundra's DIL))))))))))))) and (((((((((((((((((((Millie dog))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

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Re: Good Morning Thursday

Postby Lozzles » 29 Nov 2012, 09:51

Morning everyone :D Looks like a sunny day, hoorah!
Off out in a bit, but back later. Have a good day everyone x
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Re: Good Morning Thursday

Postby Aggers » 29 Nov 2012, 10:10

Good morning friends.

My! We have some lovely-looking ladies on our website. I can't compete with those. so I think I shall have to stick to the photo of my four-legged friend, when I can get round to reducing him to the new avatar size.

It looks bright outside this morning, so I'm off for a good walk now.

Enjoy your day.

Re: Good Morning Thursday

Postby Teaspoon » 29 Nov 2012, 10:27

Morning all.

Bright and sunny here but cold.

A busy day for me with studying, shopping, dog walk, phone calls and then, if all goes to plan I have to drive eldest up to Cannock this evening. Well, he'll be at Cannock tomorrow and we're staying tonight at Tamworth. I'm not looking forward to it, I don't really like driving, but he's got the chance to try out for the England College team for his sport. The only problem is the weather, I hope it's not called off at the last minute due to frost.

Vibes to those who need them and hope you all have a good day. :)
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Re: Good Morning Thursday

Postby Kaz » 29 Nov 2012, 11:11

Morning Aggers :D

Morning teaspoon I wish your son all the luck in the world with his try out for that team! 8-) :D :D xxxx
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Re: Good Morning Thursday

Postby jenniren » 29 Nov 2012, 11:15

Morning all :D

Bright and sunny here, what a nice change it makes 8-)

((((((weka)))))) ditto what kaz said xxx

Kate hope you're feeling better, Saundra hope DIL is recovering well, good luck at the eye clinic Ton. Big hugs for all who need them today xxx

Safe journey Ally, you'll definitely need those thermal drawers :lol:

Expecting a client at 11.30 and then my old boss is due for coffee at 12. Nothing else planned for today, managed to wrap a lot of the pressies yesterday so a lazy afternoon beckons methinks.

Hope you all have a good day :D

jen x
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