I was reading about the election exit polls (when it asks for a subscription just say no and it will continue), when I came across something which no English speaking media outlet covered on the day of the ECB QE announcement. I'm sure the press in Greece ran it in full and I'm sure that it is what is driving the votes for Syriza today.
That statement was this:
During last Thursday's press conference, Mario Draghi said: "There are obviously some conditions before we can buy Greek bonds."
Greek bonds will be excluded from the new program until at least July, Draghi explained, because the bank already owns so much Greek debt that it exceeds ownership limits. Draghi implied however that once Greece pays back the bonds due in July, the country's debt will become eligible for the program.
I'm sure that the anti austerity press in Greece tore this one apart. Basically what Draghi said was. "We're putting in place a scheme to kickstart the economies of the Eurozone. You won't be allowed to participate until you have repaid the existing loans by July and then you will only be allowed to refresh your existing loans with this scheme. Greece will get no benefit from the "Euro economic assistance" being put in place by the ECB".
I'm sure this convinced a lot of Greeks who think that the Euro is a good thing, that they are being hung out to dry and that there are things worse in life than exiting back to the Drachma. Also it was interesting to see that in this article, now that it is clear everyone will be dealing with a Syriza government, that options are being discussed.
It's as though there was a vow of Omerta in the press and that they were all going to make out Tsipras as a liar. Now they have to make a deal, Tsipras is being proved right. There are options which the lenders refused to countenance until their hand was completely forced. So who is lying to whom exactly????
As WM often says, almost every developed economy is in hoc to more than 50% of it's GDP, many for more than that and quite a few for almost 100% or more.
The Euro had already started to climb again after the QE announcement on Thursday, as investors ignored the statements that this was a move to permanently lower the value of the Euro until the economy and inflation recovered. Protecting their wealth despite the statement of the ECB that they can't and it won't let them.
There is only really one way out of this mess. Massive growth on a world wide scale. But there are only a few options for that and mainly one really. The 3rd world. But they can't afford it. The only way we'll get them to bail us out is to lend them the money in the first place. Well it's either that or a global war and nobody really wants that do they? Although some might think an Islamic war against the rest of the world might do......
I'm going to go away and watch as this unfolds. All I can say is it's going to be another pay cut month.....