by Suff » 06 Apr 2015, 21:30
I missed it, but I did follow the aftermath.
The most interesting thing, for me, was how the different news media followed true to type. Telegraph running down Farage because he's a threat to the Tories, building up Sturgeon because she's a motivator TO vote tory.
What I did glean is that from the immediate post debate survey, Farage came out on top with Sturgeon very close behind him, then the Tories followed by Labour a dismal 4th. More importantly of all of that was that the Lib Dems didn't even get a mention, which reflects their proportion of the vote and likely post election outcome in terms of seats.
So, honestly, for me, the debate was pretty much a media circus and a waste of time. Although, for me, it was useful to have Miliband show himself up as such a useless berk. Very much a Gordon Brown clone in ability to demolish his own campaign with a few well chosen words.
I shall ignore the rest of any and read about the outcome in the press.
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Those who understand Binary and those who do not.