... for Osborne's job, for both or neither?
The Cons are in a right mess. Due to his unforced announcement that he would not stand for a third term he is a dead mand walking. He canot be fighting for his job because he knows that the attack could come at any time, even over the smallest thing. May, Johnson and, hopefully, Davis are all waiting in the wings. All he can fight for is his legacy, and that is floating down the river heading for the rapids.
So is he fighting for Osborne? It is said that No10 warned Osborne some time ago not to rock the boat with this particular budget. What does he do? He sets the crew running from side to side as fast as their legs can carry them. He forces the Works and Pensions minister to resign on principle and sets off another civil war in the Conservative party. We now hear that No10 says that he and Cameron have a good working relationship. That, to me, sounds like a football club Chairman announcing support for the manager; and we all know what happens next.
Is he fighting for both? No!
Is he fighting for neither? Possibly. It is a fair bet that he already knows his own fate.