by Kate1933 » 05 Aug 2016, 17:54
Sexual abuse has always been hidden Frank, it has gone on generations after generation more often than not in times of yore and even probably today within the family unit, if a child mentioned it they were not believed, with the abuse came terrifying threats of what would happen to the child if she or he told anyone.
And the fear remained with the child throughout her childhood.
. The same is happening today but with a difference gangs of paedophiles groom youngsters, these include politicians like the ones who got Becket and Harman to sign a request to get the age of consent to be lowered. Becket apologised when this became
public knowledge, Harman hasn't it was pushed under the carpet.. yes there are those in high places who inflict the fear of God
In the youngsters, and those gangs plus family members. But we should keep quiet This subject is not one to be investigated if the authorities can get away with keeping it quiet.