At last! Good one Priti.

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Re: At last! Good one Priti.

Postby Suff » 11 Mar 2018, 23:41

I agree totally with Priti and I have said this for a LONG time. Also I have said that positive discrimination is DISCRIMINATION.

I've also said, probably not here, that if you only have 25% of women in parliament and 50% of women in Cabinet then that is Discrimination too. It's also discrimination to have 15% ethnics but insist on 30% ethnic bias in all things.

If you really want to open that can of worms, look at any bank advert. You'd believe that you were in India or China, not Britain or Africa. Even though the population make up is 85% white ethnic British. You go to any of those countries and you will find that their adverts are Totally to the ethnic bias.

The entire thing is totally and completely barking and has gone so insane that picking at ONE thing and saying "I don't feel comfortable with this" just doesn't cut it. People are people and should just be treated as people whatever their ethnicity or religion. But the politicians have made so much of this labelling and bias over the years that we are now in the situation where everything is labelled except the majority. Who are not labelled because it would call out the elephant in the room; which is that they are pretty much disadvantaged in so many sectors now.

Calling out that someone in the labelled category doesn't like being labelled, when MP's and pressure groups have been forcing ever more labelling, is just the tip of the iceberg.

The entire system is insane and just because one of the lunatics got a bit of sanity doesn't, IMHO, fix the mess.
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