Leeds knocked down some tired old buildings and its central police station and lost a muddy NCP car park in order to build the John Lewis "Flagship of the North" store in a development called "Victoria Gate". We also got a little pedestrian plaza for performing 'arts', seating, shrubbery tubs and covered walkways. Roads were reconfigured to make them bus only or one-way or both. Lovely.
Local councillor has just emailed new plans. Traffic, both pedestrian and vehicular, is not doing what was expected so a one-way bus route is to become two-way and we are now to get a totally new one-way system with 'super' junction at one side and at the other a spur to the "Leeds Loop" - don't ask, just do not ask.
£24m for pt. A and £21m for pt. B. These people certainly know how to spend other people's money when they get things wrong!