Energy infrastructure at breaking point.

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Re: Energy infrastructure at breaking point.

Postby Workingman » 04 Dec 2019, 18:30

Cromwell wrote:A lot of it is just halfwit sloganeering

You are a kind man, a very kind man. :)

It has bugged me ever since God was in short trousers that those who shout loudest claim to be in the right, right, right and the rest of us are wrong, wrong, wrong. A good examples being windmills. Those of us who are not fully paid up cult members of the Windmill Club are shouted down as pinko commie Luddite saboteurs and future generation killers.

For the adherents, of whatever bee is in their bonnet be it wind, solar, nuclear etc, there is absolutely no other solution: none. These attitudes, for me, are one of the biggest reasons that we have not really moved forwards in any meaningful way. :roll:
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Re: Energy infrastructure at breaking point.

Postby Suff » 05 Dec 2019, 09:44

Agree WM, the attitudes are pure snowflake. It will always be a mixed solution. I still believe that HDR geothermal has a role to play, just not the way they are doing it today.

Wind is great, so long as the wind is blowing. But as they travel this journey, they are learning things. Like bigger wind turbines have tips which are travelling at nearly 200mph. When something marginally harder than balsa wood hits hail, heavy rain, or sea spray, at near 200mph, the leading edges tend to peel off.

Solar generates 10% of the power in winter that it does in summer in Northern latitudes, sea power is intolerably immature compared to wind and solar and managed biomass has a bad name. Managed biomass is wood pellets from managed forests. It works and develops a lot of power, but the problem is that amazon wood is sooooo much cheaper than managed forests and burns better.

The answer is in compromise. But XR activists think that compromise is a swear word. Witness them glueing themselves to the Lib Dem campaign bus. The only party more sympathetic to XR in the UK are the greens... Go figure. Or more a case of stupid is as stupid does.

The climate change forums are becoming more and more infected with XR views. They believe that you should have no right to personal transport. I believe the government needs a nice comfy padded cell for them and jackets which lace up the back...
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Re: Energy infrastructure at breaking point.

Postby cromwell » 05 Dec 2019, 10:01

Suff wrote:The climate change forums are becoming more and more infected with XR views. They believe that you should have no right to personal transport.

And there's the key. "No right". XR policies would remove the right of people (ordinary people anyway) to drive a car, fly abroad on holiday, eat meat...
It is like extreme communism, it isn't a free society.
The only rights the citizen has is the rights the state allows them, and it won't allow them many.

What you and WM have touched on is something I've been thinking about for a while; that we are now entering (have entered) a world of cultism. Logic, evidence, rationallty - these don't matter any more. To a cult member such as an XR devotee, all that matters is belief.
This has also spread into politics and the state. Diversity is unchallengably good. If you asked many people why diversity is unchallengably good, they couldn't answer you. Because they (especially the young) have been just taught to believe, not to think.
Indeed thinking or gathering evidence seems to be a bad thing at University. Speakers who don't believe in subject X are no platformed - not allowed to speak.
Safe spaces have been set up where only certain views can be spoken in case listening to differing views upsets anyone. :lol:
This is absolute cultism. I do smile when they talk about "younger, better educated people".
It always reminds me of the Little Red Book-waving Red Guards of Mao Tse Tung. They were students too! And they didn't like anybody thinking anything that contradicted anything that was in that little red book, and got very violent if they did.
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Re: Energy infrastructure at breaking point.

Postby medsec222 » 05 Dec 2019, 12:18

I fear you are totally correct Cromwell. Slowly our freedom of speech is being eroded. The latest example is Eamonn Holmes being reprimanded for using the word 'uppity'. This is an expression I know well from my childhood, as I am sure do many people. Where race comes into this I have no idea.
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Re: Energy infrastructure at breaking point.

Postby Suff » 05 Dec 2019, 13:42

This ia a problem all its own and it drives itself into the election. It is one of the reasons I said Trump was not just inevitable but neccesary.

Trump refused to engage with closed thinkers, told the voters that if they did not like him, then don't vote for him. He refused to bow down to those who wanted him to apologise for everything they didn't like. In short he pitched his message at the mainstream and not the floating voters.

Last week I was eating my lunch in the canteen when someone asked if they could sit opposite me in my 4 seat space. Naturally I replied.

Within 5 minutes I was regaled with the fact that he worked in legal and the company was not diverse enough and that He objected to his advancement to the board being blocked by our lack of diversity.

I listened to him with some interest and then challenged him. I asked him why he would want to reduce his options to one out of ten instead of 10 out of 10.

He was totally taken aback. I explained.

The UK IS 82% white ethnic so if we apply strict diversity, then there are only 2 out of 10 places on the board. Then I expanded that if he was applying strict diversity one of those two places had to be for a woman.

Then I asked him if he was absolutely certain that he wanted strict diversity and not a merit based entry to the board?

He was of an ethnicity that didn't even consider women on the board, yet had grasped that diversity was a way of getting ahead of others without putting in the work

He went away muttering about lack of diversity....

That is what we face today. Fact less sloganising presented as an absolute and to shut down debate.

Or, as Cromwell called it, Cultism.
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