by Suff » 14 Mar 2020, 02:46
Kaz, I hope Harry is able to cope with this. There is some hope for his comfort though on a personal level. Young people are the least affected. This doesn't reduce the worry about parents or older relatives though.
The virus has now hit 144 countries. One of the more concerning countries is Venezuela who are not in a position to either halt it or support sufferers.
Spain has hit 2,000 new cases in a day, Italy is heading for 20,000 at over 2,500 per day and world new cases have just gone over 11,000 in a single day. Iran is picking up again.
There is, however, another way of looking at this. The number of cases per 1m people in the country.
Country________Cases__cases per 1m pop
S. Korea----------8,086--157.7
Denmark----------- 804--138.8
Bahrain------------ 210--123.4
Qatar--------------- 320--111.1
Sweden------------ 814--80.6
Slovenia------------ 141--67.8
Hear much about the mess in Switzerland? Or that Denmark, Sweden and Norway all overtook the UK in the last 3 days?
Cases per million population in the UK are currently at 11.8 but hey have risen from under 5 last week.
There are 10 types of people in the world:
Those who understand Binary and those who do not.