"It is not only the BBC that needs its wings clipping, try the whole media. As far as news is concerned things went downhill with the 24hr versions".
Yes, they have a lot of airtime to fill.
Plus they don't just want to report the news now, they want to creste the news.
So you get Laura Kuenssberg saying Dyson the vacuum cleaner man is a "prominent Conservative donor" - he isn't.
You get a CNN employee in the US admitting on taape that CNN worked for four years to get Trump out. That's not just reporting the news.
And doubtless Fox pr similar will be trying to repay the favour by running anti Joe Biden stories.
Then you look at Twitter, Facebook, Yahoo and Google. All basec in California and all very selective about what stories they run and which ones they don't.
Increasingly the media is blatantly partisan and weaponised to support a political viewpoint - they certainly don't just report the news any more.