These people are the scum of society, the one Romany Blythe with the Russian flag is the disgraceful excuse for a teacher who teaches troubled youngsters
.. All these so called wasters are ardent Labour supporters..
One good thing might come of this, that being Miliband will remain on the outside like his brother as a dead beat, and these atrocious actions will reflect in the votes when the election comes.. The other idiot Craig Parr is a teacher who was sporting the billboard "Rejoice Thatcher is dead". Haverstock school known as Labours Eton is where he teaches to the most impressionable pupils.
I wonder where those school inspectors OfSTED are these days, but then most of them are Labourites.... As for that revolting Glenda Jackson, who due to her acting career believed she would climb to the top in the Labour Party but has remained where she was when she started, at the bottom of the ladder.. A bitter nasty old woman whose venom to my surprise did not choke her as the bile flowed from her ugly mouth a frustrated old woman who resorted to disgusting nonsense to get noticed..