A new president

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A new president

Postby saundra » 06 Nov 2024, 11:41

Well that's a surprise
New broom sweeps clean
We could do with a few in Westminster
Time will tell
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Re: A new president

Postby saundra » 06 Nov 2024, 14:56

Yea best forgotten
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Re: A new president

Postby medsec222 » 06 Nov 2024, 16:07

If the democrats are not happy with the result of the election they have only themselves to blame. When Kamala Harris was Vice-President, the Democrats pulling the strings kept her in the background. She was tasked at keeping illegal immigrants out at the Mexican border but didn't make a very good job of it, apparently. They even kept her out of the way when Joe Biden's health was in rapid decline instead of bringing her in to support him.

I get the impression that Kamala Harris was not the preferred candidate to replace Joe Biden. In that case, they should have held elections for a replacement President at least a year ago but they were happy to keep the status quo and kept silent about Joe Biden's health, saying he was fit to run again for another term. When they couldn't hide how ill Joe Biden was, it was too late to organise elections. Hence Kamala Harris was wheeled out as the preferred candidate. It backfired on them. Polititians can't fool the public all the time, although they like to think they can.
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Re: A new president

Postby Workingman » 06 Nov 2024, 19:24

The Democrats made a big mistake a few years back when it became clear that Biden was ill and not fit for the job. They should have put pressure on him to stand aside and become president in name only (PINO) and then, given that at the time Harris was the only real contender to stand as the next nominee, put her front and centre and let her establish a "presence".

If she succeeded it was a win, if she failed they at least had time to select another runner. They now have to find someone else anyway.

Ah well, best we all strap in because it is going to be a bumpy ride now that the old broom is back.
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Re: A new president

Postby Kaz » 07 Nov 2024, 09:16

They will never elect a woman. That’s all.
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Re: A new president

Postby cromwell » 07 Nov 2024, 12:24

medsec222 wrote:I get the impression that Kamala Harris was not the preferred candidate to replace Joe Biden. In that case, they should have held elections for a replacement President at least a year ago but they were happy to keep the status quo and kept silent about Joe Biden's health, saying he was fit to run again for another term. When they couldn't hide how ill Joe Biden was, it was too late to organise elections. Hence Kamala Harris was wheeled out as the preferred candidate. It backfired on them. Polititians can't fool the public all the time, although they like to think they can.

I agree Meds. They didn't want Harris but they were stuck with her.

What's going to be interesting is Trump's attitude to the UK. Will he slap a 20% tariff on our imports to the US, thereby blowing a hole in our economy?

Perhaps this fear is why Labour politicians are now frantically grovelling in front of Trump, after calling him all the names under the sun in previous years?
Hypocrites or what.
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Re: A new president

Postby saundra » 07 Nov 2024, 16:31

Trump won't forget either creeps the lot of them
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Re: A new president

Postby Workingman » 07 Nov 2024, 21:00

For all his bluff and bluster I believe (hope) that deep down Trump is a pragmatist.

The US has allies such as S. Korea, Taiwan and Japan, but they cost a fortune to maintain, and they are always in their own back yards.

But look at recent global conflicts such as Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, the Red sea / Yemen, Ukraine. Who has the military assets there to support the US? Yes, the British.

Trump knows that. Who else actually supports them, if not us?
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