.my council

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.my council

Postby saundra » 18 Feb 2025, 15:33

Got an email from East Yorkshire council today
Saying in future my council tax bill will be oneline not a paper bill
I filled a form in oneline to object got a reply to keep paper bill
If there is one thing i need it's a paper bill for council tax bill and my Liverpool Victoria house insurance most important to keep safe
If needed in an emergency im falling out with technologies these days
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Re: .my council

Postby Workingman » 18 Feb 2025, 16:18

Yes, Saundra, it is a pain, and I would claim, quasi-illegal.

The script-kiddies who are now operating these schemes seem to think that because they are glued to their phones / tablets / Internet 24/7 we are all like them and must do things - their way.

What they do not realise is that for some things - financial or legal - a posted paper bill or invoice is the only form of "proof" acceptable. This applies to councils if you want to query something like your council tax or housing benefit, without a letter you have to visit their offices where one of their employees can access the databases not open to the public.

Leeds CC has just introduced parking charges at the local parks. The only ways to pay are by a phone app, logging in to the Interned or by contactless card. Cash is NOT accepted. I have sometimes had my contactless refused until I enter my chip and PIN, but that is not available on the car park terminals - no keypads.
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Re: .my council

Postby Kaz » 18 Feb 2025, 16:35

I'm in the process of applying for my OAP bus pass (quiet in the cheap seats :P ) and have struggled to find paper proof of address as requested as all of our bills are online :? Luckily ( :?: ) I have a regular prescription and they will accept that :roll:
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Re: .my council

Postby saundra » 18 Feb 2025, 17:04

It's ridiculous glad others agree
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Re: .my council

Postby cruiser2 » 19 Feb 2025, 08:25

My doctors surgery wants me to have an appon my mobile phone and cmputer. So I went to the reception and was told I had to do it myself at home.

So I have not got one. If I want to contact them < I either phone or go in person to the reception. So far I have not had any problems.

THe odd occcassions I go totown in thecar I use my Blue Badge. Would never attempt to use one of the new parking machines.
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