Douglas Carswell defects to UKIP

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Re: Douglas Carswell defects to UKIP

Postby manxie » 31 Aug 2014, 20:39

slightly off topic but..

I have said for many years probably about 30 years to anyone who would listen.

The British Isles has been slowly eroded round the edges by many minorities for lots of different reasons for too long.

The last man who had the courage to speak out was Enoch Powell.

He forsaw that all our present situation was going to arise ultimately and he was castigated for his beliefs.

How true all his warnings were and look now how the country is no longer cohesive we are being torn apart and taken over bit by bit, we will soon be a minority in our own country. And you only need look round at other countries now suffering under division within by sections of the population.

I do so hope that UKIP will be different to the other parties who are basically just the same now, even labour who stood up for the working man are not the party they once were.

I hope it is the time for change and that it is not too late to turn the country round and once more be respected for our skills and abilities and courage.

It is time to put the "Great" back into "Great Britian" stop the handouts to the ones who are abusing our systems, rebuild our Health service so once more it is the envy of the world, make it available to all "our own" sick and elderly in need of help, they are the generations who sacrificed and worked to make our country what it was untill recently.

OK some immigration is good, we need people with skills, the last 20 years have seen apprenticeships vanish for the man in the street especially in thhe once triumphant,,, Midlands/ the North/ Yorkshire/ Nnorthumberland, all decimated by successive mainly Tory governments who changed things to suit the wealthy of the land, with no regard for the "serfs" who had no say. The Tories especially have noi respect for skilled men who worked hard in often unpleasant and dangerous trades.

Who really won the world wars?? who is the strongest economy in europe?--Germany. who is also a strong economy? Japan. it makes you stop and think.

Britian has been too soft for far too long, it is time now for change and rebuild the country and our pride and ultimately our economy.

There should be work for all able bodied young men and women leaving school. Not as now where they have little prospect of gaining a job and less chance of learning a trade.

Sorry to rant on but I really worry about the future for my grandkids and their families.

Manxie xx
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Joined: 28 Nov 2012, 19:34

Re: Douglas Carswell defects to UKIP

Postby Workingman » 02 Sep 2014, 16:11

Good post Manxie, I think a lot of us feel the same or similar.

The by-election has been called for October 9th.... Cameron's birthday. :shock: :lol: :lol:
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