by Suff » 25 Apr 2017, 09:05
If you take a very narrow view on this, it's clear that almost all Leavers have not changed their mind and any who are doubting are in the slightly unsure category. It's also clear that the numbers or Remainers who are now pragmatic and supporting a Brexit process, for a sensible end result, are much greater than the number of Leave doubters.
The press and the Lib Dems would have you believe that the country is locked in a life or death struggle with hands locked round the throats of each camp. In reality the British people are not so stupid.
So it is the role of our government to lead the people to the path of a more realistic view point. Whilst I get that there are division, healing is also going on, especially since the A50 trigger and the failure of all the pressure parties to stop that happening.
The vitriolic attacks on May for even trying to bring people together is just another symptom of the toxicity of the debate in some circles. But definitely not all, or even the majority.
There are 10 types of people in the world:
Those who understand Binary and those who do not.