Israel, Lebanon and Hizb'Allah.

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Re: Israel, Lebanon and Hizb'Allah.

Postby Workingman » 26 Sep 2024, 16:42

OK Kaz, but sometimes you have to go on the offensive.

Where are the negotiators from Hamas, Hisb'Allah, IS, Al Qaeda, Houthis, ISIL and Iran to calm things down? Nowhere to be seen or heard.

Those groups, and some other Arab nations, have officially stated that they want to wipe Israel off the map. What is Israel supposed to do?

I really would like to know.
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Re: Israel, Lebanon and Hizb'Allah.

Postby cromwell » 26 Sep 2024, 19:40

I agree WM.
If the Israelis lose that is the end of their country.
Their enemies are not interested in peace - unless they are losing, when they start demanding ceasefires.
One side wants to live, the other side wants to kill them.
I can't ever see an end to it.
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