Suff wrote:Don't even BEGIN to talk to me about IT waste in Government.....
I'll stay off the well known ones Suff, and just give you a regional example..
IT manager wants vanity project to impress his bosses; promises them that it will be delivered on date X. Then realises he needs more people. So then he has to get permission to advertise for the new posts, because there is officially a recruitment freeze. Then they actually have to advertise the posts; and all the time the clock is ticking, and the deadline ain't moving...
So from a project timescale of maybe ten or eleven months to deliver the new application you are down to less than three before you can get the new staff on board. The application has to be purchased, installed on the hardware, the licences have to be sorted, you have to test and rollout on thousands of devices.
How do we think this might end?!