Suff wrote:
That being said, they are British citizens and entitled to the protection and succour of the British crown. This means that until they decide to leave they are entitled to stay.
Just some points I would like to make on reading this thread. First of all, the Irish are not British citizens, the people of Northern Ireland are (and a lot of them wish they weren't).
Ireland is not called Eire except by people speaking or writing in Irish.
Southern Ireland is not a place. On the island of Ireland, there is the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland.
The issue is not simply about a hard border or not, there is the Good Friday Agreement to be adhered to. Arlene Foster and her DUP cohorts refused to agree to it, they
want a hard border because the worst thing in the world for them would be that anyone might think they are Irish. The British government and very many people in the UK do not and never have cared about NI. Nobody in the government nor many Leavers bothered to do any meaningful research on what Brexit might mean, focussing on immigration, blue passports and some nebulous concept of "taking back our country". What you are left with is a godawful mess, an incompetent prime minister who has aligned herself with a nasty, bigoted NI party, all in the quest for power on both sides of the deal.
Can you imagine if you lived in one half of two semi detached houses. Your adjoining neighbour decides to knock theirs down with no particular plan for rebuilding, but also no plan to shore up your house either. They don't care if the electricity, plumbing, telephone, have been intertwined for over 40 years, they gave no thought to how they might be separated. Similar with Brexit, did anyone consider the tangled web of interconnections built up over all those years, and how they might be disentangled? No of course not, because blue passports..........
To be honest, I am sick of this whole Brexit thing and stand square behind our Taoiseach and the EU in protecting Ireland and its interests.