Poor Holidaymakers.

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Re: Poor Holidaymakers.

Postby KateLMead » 09 Nov 2015, 11:29

As for the mothers and children risking their lives trudging through the Balkans? I’ve been very clear about this from day 1. There is no need for any of them to be in this danger, most of them have left safety to look for opportunity, the rest of them have chosen to make a very dangerous sea journey instead of using the safe land routes to safety. I am totally and completely disgusted with the parents who are doing this to their children and I take absolutely no responsibility for it. In fact I fully believe that those who are offering a “new life” in the EU are actually endangering those children by encouraging their parents to make this difficult and dangerous journey! If they want and need asylum, go to the safety zones and apply for it. Don’t risk their families lives on the off chance they can blackmail us into taking them. If they are granted asylum they will receive safe transportation.

My position on that won’t change.[/quote]

You are a highly intelligent individual Suff whose views I read with interest.. However you have seen the results of the war and bloodbath in Syria, and I cannot believe that you, the humanitarian you appear to be could suggest that the women and children who are risking death to escape that bloodbath, with no sympathy for those who have tragically died along with their young ones should have been be sent on their way and be refused sanctuary. Do you really think that any woman would risk the death of her young ones and herself for the fun of it.? I would hardly think so. No part of Syria or indeed Iraq is a place of peace and safety.
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Re: Poor Holidaymakers.

Postby Aggers » 09 Nov 2015, 11:55

I can well understand the frustration of those affected by this situation.

However, maybe this sort of business will deter people from all this travel
to far-away places, which might not be a bad thing for Planet Earth, and a
good thing for the British holiday industry.

Re: Poor Holidaymakers.

Postby KateLMead » 09 Nov 2015, 12:29

I agree Aggers, seemingly the majority of individuals today look to go abroad for their holidays, whether it be just for a week or so. As you say I agree and think our own holiday centres could do with a boost. In my case I have done enough travel in my old age , the problem is it seems to me is that No where is safe these days! I could not believe the number who have to be flown out of Sharm. Me? I will be happy to enjoy the Green Green Grass of Home.
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Re: Poor Holidaymakers.

Postby victor » 09 Nov 2015, 14:09

i find your comments a bit odd Kate--you say about people wanting to holiday abroad when they could stay home and boost UK resorts-yet also say that you have done plenty of travelling abroad.so which should it be?
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Re: Poor Holidaymakers.

Postby Suff » 09 Nov 2015, 14:14

KateLM wrote:You are a highly intelligent individual Suff whose views I read with interest.. However you have seen the results of the war and bloodbath in Syria, and I cannot believe that you, the humanitarian you appear to be could suggest that the women and children who are risking death to escape that bloodbath, with no sympathy for those who have tragically died along with their young ones should have been be sent on their way and be refused sanctuary. Do you really think that any woman would risk the death of her young ones and herself for the fun of it.? I would hardly think so. No part of Syria or indeed Iraq is a place of peace and safety.

Thanks for the compliment Kate.

My point is that there are sufficient camps and places on the periphery of Syria and Iraq for these people to find safety and security. However these camps do not provide the opportunity to gain wealth, personal comfort or any kind of career.

They are the minimum required to give the safety and security to refugees of this war. They are meant to be temporary because the people are meant to go home when the conflict is settled.

However the current wave of people leaving these camps is not anything to do with safety or security. It is for opportunity. They are dragging their children through danger for nothing more than a chance to blackmail the EU into giving them an opportunity to advance somewhere else.

In this situation I have no sympathy for the parents. I would not do it. In fact I would have to leave my family in the camps and fight for my home. So, no, my contempt for men and women who drag their children through this; for what? For personal gain? Knows few bounds.

For the children my heart bleeds. But I won’t take them because their parents are too determined to put them in harms way. That way only puts more defenceless children in harm’s way. So, no, you are right, I am not compassionless, but my compassion is all for the children and I don’t believe taking parents in who put those children in danger is the way to go.

My belief is that the ONLY way to stop this wholesale loss of children’s lives it to make the parents believe that there is no way at all of getting what they want by dragging their children all over Europe. I’d put them right back where they started, penniless and without their smart phones. So that everyone else willing to put their children’s lives at risk realise that it will gain them nothing and possibly lose them their children.

I would certainly put every single parent, who lost their children, right back in the camps where everyone could see the risk. I certainly wouldn’t take them in and try to console them. I’d want them to feel the consequences of what they had done Every Single Day.

If that makes me heartless, then so be it.

But that’s just the way I am.
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Re: Poor Holidaymakers.

Postby KateLMead » 09 Nov 2015, 18:20

"Oh dear Suff" xxx
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