Baghdad and Damascus come to Paris.

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Re: Baghdad and Damascus come to Paris.

Postby Suff » 14 Nov 2015, 20:03

WM, Molenbeek is on the other side of the city from me. There has certainly been a higher police presence but not much more than that. However I do live 2 doors up from a Turkish Kurdish school so the brand of "Islam" in the area I live in is significantly different from that in Molenbeek. Also my apartment is in view of the main EU commission building and I have 2 police stations within a 5 minute walk.

My work is also on a key route for senior Commission workers. So it's fairly well policed. I'm not feeling threatened but I am being more aware. I think that they are mostly using Brussels as a staging post, it's not high on their strike list.

If one of these murderers turns out to be a non registered illegal who has slipped over the border with the other masses then things are going to have to change. Greece has simply refused to register all the illegals. The other countries on the route have also refused to register them. So it's quite possible, once they hit a Schengen country, to simply step off the train or bus and take another train or bus to a different exit point with false papers. Not that they would be stopped at the border if they were going in a different direction anyway. They can even cross Switzerland now without showing passports which is key for getting to France or Italy.

As for that complete insult of a meeting. My right wing tendencies show with that. When asked if they were British they did not respond. Great. Hand in your citizenship when you leave the door and we'll escort you out of the country immediately and your family will follow. No argument, no fuss, just gone. That would certainly level set the priorities of these religious fanatics. We have done the manic religious route, we've progressed beyond it. We do not need to be dragged back. If they can't take religion out of the state then go where religion is the state. We don't want them and won't tolerate them....
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Re: Baghdad and Damascus come to Paris.

Postby Workingman » 14 Nov 2015, 20:42

We do not see the sort of thing Cromwell reports on mainstream media: do we? The likes of Panorama, World in Action and Dispatches are more than happy to send in reporters with secret cameras to film the likes of George Galloway, the EDL and BNP because they are obviously the bad boys and their ideologies need exposing. These programmes preach that we do not want their members circulating and spreading their 'racist' or right wing bile.

The same programmes will not touch the Moslem Fifth Column in anything like that same way and that is probably because to do so would blow the lid. If the public was given the information on a regular basis there are enough hot-heads out there to want to take action.

However, even without the exposure I believe that we are not far away from a tipping point with regards to followers of the religion of peace.

Suff, good the hear that you are 'safe'. Brussels as a staging post has a ring of truth. It will be easier to get lost in that melting pot of dozens of nationalities and they won't 5h1t in their own bed.
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Re: Baghdad and Damascus come to Paris.

Postby Suff » 15 Nov 2015, 04:43

Things the press did not need to know.

Given that the French government has claimed that the atrocity in Paris is an act of war, this level of information is certainly not to be shared with their enemies. We did not need to know how the French authorities found out, so quickly, where the gunmen had come from. The press and the public did not need to know the details of how the police were able to roll up the terrorists in Brussels.

In short our press just gave vital operational information to a group of people dedicated to killing us.

Whilst I want and believe we need, openness in the way the government operates and also the results of our response to these events, we seriously did not need to know the technical details of how they were caught so quickly.

We now know that IS will attack next with vehicles registered in the country they are attacking, they will sweep the vehicles of all incriminating evidence and they won't use hired vehicles from their base. They will use either stolen vehicles or hired vehicles from the location they are going to attack.

I recall being told a story about the IRA having taken delivery of some RPG's but that the first three had not gone off. They had simply gone "through" the vehicles they were fired at. A sapper Staff Sargent was interviewed by the press about it. He was not thinking when he stated that the "thick" Irish had not removed the shipping caps, that rendered the warhead safe, before firing. The press, looking for a sensational Sell, printed it. The next time one was fired it exploded destroying the vehicle and killing everyone in it.

The Staff Sergeant was severely reprimanded, as he should have been, though I doubt any punishment will have been worse than his own horror at what he had done. However where was the responsibility of the press? The people did not need to know and should not have been told. It is exactly the same in this situation. What are the press playing at? Do they want to be a training school for terrorists?
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Re: Baghdad and Damascus come to Paris.

Postby KateLMead » 15 Nov 2015, 08:04

cromwell wrote:Breaking news is that one of the gunmen was a Syrian who entered Europe on the refugee trail.

As all this was going on, this event was going on in the south of England. ... -of-force/

OMG this is frightening, but it confirms what a close Muslim friend told my late husband in the year 2,000 . He stated that within 20 years Islam would be on the road to conquering the world where Muslims will rule.
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Re: Baghdad and Damascus come to Paris.

Postby Workingman » 15 Nov 2015, 11:10

Suff wrote:Things the press did not need to know.

Given that the French government has claimed that the atrocity in Paris is an act of war, this level of information is certainly not to be shared with their enemies. We did not need to know how the French authorities found out, so quickly, where the gunmen had come from. The press and the public did not need to know the details of how the police were able to roll up the terrorists in Brussels.

In short our press just gave vital operational information to a group of people dedicated to killing us.

A fair point about the media. Unfortunately, if one outlet carries a story others will follow sooner or later, as is the case.

However, what about all the statements from named officials from the French and Belgian governments, military and police services? What game are they playing? Reading through some reports they all have different slants on the subject and contain many different snippets of information. Put them all together and quite a dossier of actions and methods could be put together.

Normal investigative journalism would have eventually got the story to where it is today, but not within 48 hours. The media has needed help, official help, to get the story out so quickly.
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Re: Baghdad and Damascus come to Paris.

Postby Suff » 15 Nov 2015, 13:26

Very true. But the media seems to have no hint of responsibility and when the next strike happens and they get clean away, they'll just blame the government....

The governments blurt out all this information because the media is clamouring to know everything. The media should know when to shut up and the governments should tell them to shut it and take a little responsibility for saving lives.

"Loose lips sink ships" was not a bad motto. The press needs another one. "Don't tell terrorists everything or they'll become unstoppable".... Oh and to remind the press that they can be a high profile target after they have told the terrorists everything about how the security services work, how feeble they are and after they have campaigned to stop the security services from having the information they need to make them safe.

Clearly I'm in a grumpy mood....
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Re: Baghdad and Damascus come to Paris.

Postby Workingman » 15 Nov 2015, 14:48

Suff wrote:Clearly I'm in a grumpy mood....

No, not at all.

I remember the days of D notices, when there was information lockdown to allow the police and security services the space to do their jobs unhindered. In many ways we need at least a similar thought process from politicians and officials. When the media comes knocking wanting information to feed its need of every little tid-bit there has to be some form of block - do they "Need to know?" as the old saying goes.

A problem is that these people are now so used to being on mic or on camera for their two minutes of fame that they do not know when to keep schtum.

Take a look at the BBC and Sky 24hr news services. They are covering the same old ground hour after hour after hour and passing it off as news. It is morbid. Yet they can still get a new face on camera every so often to offer them a new morsel and then they play it for all it is worth.
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