In the last day of campaigning for the first round Macron

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Re: In the last day of campaigning for the first round Macro

Postby Suff » 25 Apr 2022, 20:18

Workingman wrote:Martine Le Pen claims that she is far right, it is her description of herself. She lost.

Yet another MSM fallacy which they like to promote.

From the French wikipedia.

En réponse, Marine Le Pen se défend d'être raciste ou xénophobe511 et considère qu'elle lutte contre l'immigration et non contre les immigrés en tant que personnes, précisant que durant sa carrière d'avocate elle a été amenée à défendre des clandestins. Marine Le Pen, comme son parti, est en général classée à l'extrême droite512, une position qu'elle conteste et à laquelle elle préfère d'autres appellations comme « droite nationale »513,514, ou « ni droite ni gauche »515.

Translation via google

In response, Marine Le Pen denies being racist or xenophobic511 and considers that she is fighting against immigration and not against immigrants as persons, specifying that during her career as a lawyer she had to defend illegal immigrants . Marine Le Pen, like her party, is generally classified on the extreme right512, a position which she contests and to which she prefers other names such as “national right”513,514, or “neither right nor left”515.

So, No, she does not call herself "extrême droite", others put those words in her mouth.

It is one of the reasons so many voted for her. They know what she says and they know what others report. The voters believe they are being manipulated and they are not happy.
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