How absolutely tragic!

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Re: How absolutely tragic!

Postby Kaz » 11 Dec 2012, 09:10

Just to add, on the subject of others who have been using the prank call format as entertainment for years, did anyone hear the Dom Joly interview on Radio 4 yesterday morning? Mick did and Joly stated categorically that they should have had consent to broadcast this and that the call should never have been broadcast without it, never mind federated ie played all over the world! Joly always gets consent and without it they drop the idea....................I should imagine it was the same for Candid Camera and the like...................
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Re: How absolutely tragic!

Postby Oojamaflip » 11 Dec 2012, 10:52

Kaz wrote:Just to add, on the subject of others who have been using the prank call format as entertainment for years, did anyone hear the Dom Joly interview on Radio 4 yesterday morning? Mick did and Joly stated categorically that they should have had consent to broadcast this and that the call should never have been broadcast without it, never mind federated ie played all over the world! Joly always gets consent and without it they drop the idea....................I should imagine it was the same for Candid Camera and the like...................

Kaz, you're a cynic! (You did say to call you one) ;-D

Another reason to chop of their heads? Oh how we'll cheer in the market place when it plops into the basket. ;-) And then the Daily Hatemail and the like will run articles wringing their hands about how people cheered when they saw the arterial blood spraying into the crowd.

As far as they were concerned consent had been sought - so if it's not the case, then it's not their fault but their producers. But it won't be the producer's because it will be the station owner's. But it won't be the owner's because it's the hospital's. But it won't be the hospital's because it was whoever name Jacintha. But it won't be whoever named Jacintha because they didn't actually 'put the bullet in the gun'. There's another thread on here about personal responsibility . . . but that doesn't create as much 'fun' as playing the blame game - and let's face it, even when people appear on TV to apologise for their part, they're not believed because they didn't look right, or they didn't sound right, or they put emphasis on the wrong word, so yes, let's chop off their heads.

Until there's an enquiry we'll never no the truth of the matter, and even then will we ever know the truth? There are always three sides to every story: his side, her side and then the truth. Jacintha may have died anyway, but until there's an enquiry we'll never know.
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Re: How absolutely tragic!

Postby Kaz » 11 Dec 2012, 11:05

There's another thread on here about personal responsibility

Indeed, so what about their personal responsibility for making that stupid call? They are the presenters, they could have said at any time before it was broadcast that they disapproved...................But no, it was worth hurting people for the 'joke'.......

Jacintha may have died anyway, but until there's an enquiry we'll never know.

The next time she had the whole of the world's media on her back, you mean? :|

I am awaiting the inquest with interest....................until then I'm sat here, knitting, by the tumbrils obviously :roll:
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Re: How absolutely tragic!

Postby Oojamaflip » 11 Dec 2012, 11:26

Kaz wrote:. . .until then I'm sat here, knitting, by the tumbrils obviously

Enjoy your seat on the front row. ;-P
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Re: How absolutely tragic!

Postby cromwell » 11 Dec 2012, 14:20

I'm not a fan of prank calls. There is always the prospect that some member of staff who falls for the hoax could be disciplined, something the hoaxers don't seem to care about.
That said I don't thing the DJ's could possibly have imagined that someone would kill themselves over this call.
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Re: How absolutely tragic!

Postby TheOstrich » 11 Dec 2012, 20:46

I've come late to this thread, and it's been an interesting read. Some very thoughtful and balanced views expressed, as one would expect on this forum!

So I'd better not express my thoughts, which revolve around arresting said DJ's and radio station managers, shipping them in manacles over to the UK, preferably on a three-masted sailing ship, and prosecuting them at a minimum for offences against s55 of the Data Protection Act ... ... -hoax-call

I never did like Jeremy Beadle and his ilk anyway ... :mrgreen:

Seriously though, it will be interesting to see what conclusions the Australian Communications and Media Authority come to and what action, if any, they take ...
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Re: How absolutely tragic!

Postby Kaz » 11 Dec 2012, 20:58

LOL Os :mrgreen:
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Re: How absolutely tragic!

Postby Oojamaflip » 11 Dec 2012, 22:19

Ossie! I think you and I need to have a chat about stones and stuff. ;-D
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Re: How absolutely tragic!

Postby pederito1 » 13 Dec 2012, 16:18

As this saga drags on I am coming to the conclusion that there must be more in it than meets the eye. I just cannot believe that any normal sane person would commit suicide over such a silly little thing. :(

Re: How absolutely tragic!

Postby Oojamaflip » 23 Dec 2012, 12:10

pederito1 wrote:As this saga drags on I am coming to the conclusion that there must be more in it than meets the eye. I just cannot believe that any normal sane person would commit suicide over such a silly little thing. :(

Poor lady, it's now become clear that she was not 'normal' in that sense. She made two very real attempts to kill herself under a year ago: one an overdose and the other by throwing herself off a building. It's a tragic situation that was almost inevitable. I hope this blame game now stops. Being so ill and of such a fragile mind, why was she so far away from those who loved her most, why was she working full-time in a demanding job so far away from her family support network . . . her suicide was entirely her own decision, and came from the internal demons that she'd been fighting for quite some time. Who knows, maybe her family are offloading some of their own feelings of guilt onto others? Whatever, it won't resurrect her and I hope the situation is now stopped in its tracks, and before any more lives are ruined.
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