A few points to note on the referendum

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A few points to note on the referendum

Postby Suff » 26 Apr 2016, 12:18

In the Lisbon treaty it states that:

The European Union is a political entity (country) and that the Euro is its currency.
The free borders Schengen agreement is the model for cross border relations

So. Those who want to vote remain might as well admit it. Cameron failed miserably to modify anything, they refused to "open the treaties" to change anything, which means that:

A vote remain is a vote to take the Euro and join Schengen.

Not today.
Not in 20 years maybe.

But, eventually.

I wonder how many of the remain voters really, really, want that?

Because it is a foregone conclusion. No matter what the Euroskeptic Tories negotiate to retain our sovereignty, the UEphile Labourites will give it away again.

I might mourn for my country in the event of a remain vote. But that would be the most stupid and idiotic thing to do. Because if we vote to remain it's no longer my country and there is no reason why I should suddenly mourn it's passing. Because it's already long gone.

I can tell you this though. I would never, for one second, think of joining the armed forces of the UK in the event of a Remain vote. I'd be quite happy for the rest of the EU to provide that security. That's why we're remaining after all, isn't it? Because if we stay we're no longer solely responsible for our security. Or, if we want, no responsible for it at all....

In that scenario I'd be very happy to vote to get rid of Trident and take all that money back into the budget.

I wonder how happy Obama would be if we all did that???
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