Now there's a shock..
12 Jun 2016, 12:48
by cromwell
Who'd have thought it eh? Apart from just about everybody. ... edent.htmlGotta love our judges.
Re: Now there's a shock..
12 Jun 2016, 13:36
by TheOstrich
I'll match you, Crommers .... ... urkey.htmlGotta love our diplomats ....
Re: Now there's a shock..
12 Jun 2016, 15:15
by TheOstrich
... and I'll raise you: ... onald-tuskHalfway through reading this, I started singing The Eagles' "Hotel California" ...
" .... We are programmed to receive / You can check out any time you like / But you can never leave! "
Re: Now there's a shock..
12 Jun 2016, 15:51
by Suff
Absolutely typical that the Guardian talks about the "Tariff's the EU would apply to British goods". Not a peep about the fact that it would also cover the tariffs WE would apply to EU goods of that the balance of trade is significantly in favour of the EU meaning that UK tariffs would have half as much weight again, against the EU, as EU tariffs would have against the UK.
Also the Gruniaard doesn't mention that the reason our balance of trade is so poor with the EU is that we sell our export goods outside of the EU.
So were we to, say, slap 100% tariffs on all EU goods, then the EU did the same, we would move our export market to the rest of the world. The EU, on the other hand, can't sell the goods it sells to the UK to the rest of the world. Why? Because the internal prices within the EU are way higher than the rest of the world. Nobody would buy them at that price.
Would the EU refuse to come to the negotiating table? Only if we are such a spineless bunch of wimps that we let them. Because if they get in a trade war with us the likelihood is that the EU would face a decade long recession but the UK would face expansion and a boom in exports through trade with the rest of the world. Which, for those who don't know, is 4 times the size of the EU in monetary value alone.
Of course we will never hear that spoken. But it is the blunt and brutal truth. Which is why they are doing the damndest to scare people into staying.
Face facts, the UK is nearly 20% of the ENTIRE economy of the EU. You can't just lose 20% of your economy and not know you've been hurt. As Gordon Brown found... Do we honestly believe that the EU is going to endanger that amount of trade? They may be stupid but they are not insane.