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Mick Philpot

PostPosted: 13 Feb 2013, 19:25
by cromwell
Is the man accused of arringing for his own house to be set on fire; the man who at one time lived with his wife and mistress and their combined total of 11 (?) kids in one house.

I'm not commenting on whether he is guilty or not; but what has come out in the trial is that he was a very controlling person. Benefits for both women and children went straight into his bank account.

After she left him his mistress found out that she was entitled to £1,000 a month in various benefits. Mr Philpot is accused of having a lot of children just for the money they bring in.

This makes me so angry.
This bunch have been having kids just for the money they can rake in. It's nothing more or less than child abuse as far as I can see.

I wouldn't pay the likes of Mick Philpot one red cent; I'd have him chemically castrated and jailed.

Re: Mick Philpot

PostPosted: 13 Feb 2013, 20:10
by Workingman
When the government was bringing in changes to Child Benefit I was reading comments in different places. A lot of people, probably a good majority, were suggesting that CB should stop at two or three children, or be tapered off to nothing. If that ever happens then people like Philpot could not 'make a living' from having ever more children.

I agree that his lifestyle is tantamount to child abuse... and he and his harem are aided and abetted by the system.

Re: Mick Philpot

PostPosted: 14 Feb 2013, 09:31
by TheOstrich
I think you're spot on, WM. Philpot was playing the system; a thoroughly reprehensible affair.

Re: Mick Philpot

PostPosted: 14 Feb 2013, 18:34
by Oojamaflip
Ann Widdecombe seemed to get on with him. I wonder what her take on this, is. :?

Re: Mick Philpot

PostPosted: 15 Feb 2013, 12:59
by KateLMead
At the time he was on TV, bragging about his lifestyle, I suggested then he should be castrated and the stupid women steralized.. My views haven't changed, the difference is that today I would remove his balls with a blunt carving knife :evil: