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PostPosted: 20 Jul 2016, 20:43
by Suff
Is everything.

May has said she won't trigger Brexit this year. I'm beginning to wonder how many days after the US presidential inauguration the trigger date will be?

One thing is sure. Obama is much more enamoured of the EU than he is of the UK. That will not hold true of either of the next candidates. The timing has a sniff of advantage seeking. To be honest I think she would be mad to do anything else with an outgoing lame duck president, a presidential race and, possibly, changes in the house too.

Should Trump win it's quite possible the GOP could sweep the board and take the Presidency, the House and the Senate and that combination would be significantly more friendly to a US/EU trade deal than the current one.

More waiting for a date...

I am patient though.

Re: Timing

PostPosted: 20 Jul 2016, 21:18
by Workingman
It really is going to be interesting to watch......

I said earlier that everyone and his dog had ganged up on Trump; and lost. It is now a possibility that the GOP could run the US from top to bottom, but then again..........

It will do no more harm to sit and see what happens across the pond, and it gives us time for those informal yet detailed talks with others to begin.