... and Defra.
Defra has told Birmingham, Leeds, Nottingham, Derby and Southampton to introduce clean air zones within four years to reduce pollutants. Yet these cities have introduced traffic calming measures which force drivers to drive their vehicles inefficiently, thus increasing pollutants, which are linked to the deaths of 40,000 people a year in the UK.
Next, step in the DfT, or DAFT. It wants electric cars to have priority at traffic lights and to be exempted from one-way systems - effectively to able to go the wrong way down one-way streets!
If it is dangerous for cars, motorbikes and push-bikes to go the wrong way down one-way streets then it is equally dangerous for electric vehicles to do so. I do hope somebody can pass on this simple fact to the planners' focus group. I would also like to know how these boneheads are going to filter traffic approaching traffic lights so that electric cars get priority.
Surely, if the claim is that electric cars are so much cleaner, then they should be at the back of the queue. That way the nasty, dirty, vehicles are allowed to keep moving as that makes them more efficient? (TIC)